
I see Jon’s army losing the Battle to Ramsay, and then the Vale swoops in and saves the day, turns the tide of battle. Sansa will get the credit and be raised as Queen In The North.

So far, we only know of four Valerian steel swords: Jon’s, Brienne, Tommen (or the one on Joffrey’s tomb), and the one Sam took from his father.

I honestly don’t know how they’re going to wrap this up in 13 eps. but Benioff did say once everyone sees the last episode this season, they’ll understand why short seasons are a good idea.

He will find you and step on you.

Pretty sure that’s Sunday’s episode.

Nah. Sansa is going to ice him.

I’ve been predicting the breach of the Wall for awhile now, and when Jon told Edd “Don’t knock the Wall down while I’m gone” pretty much confirmed it in my mind. I’m less sure about the other end of the map: I think when Dany arrives, Cersei will have burned KL down with wildfire.

Come on, man. That’s not fair. He tweets a lot!

I could say the same thing about Crimson Peak. English language Del Toro is not good.

The first time was for his King.

I don’t get why people are bitching about Sansa bitching out Jon for marching on Winterfell without enough men. She’s the one who saw Stannis army obliterated by Bolton men from the tower. She would know how this could play out. Jon seems like he’s making the same mistake as Stannis, marching to race the weather.

When Arya peeled off ‘dead’ Jaqen face at the end of S5, he had her face briefly. But even if he could mimic her face (IT IS odd how she was walking, too deliberate to be a coincidence), they’re completely different heights and build. If the Faceless Men can assume an entire body, I must’ve missed that detail.

Unless she was laying a trap for the Waif that will play out next week? She seems awfully uninjured in the preview.

I’m probably overthinking this, but I was wondering if Arya deliberately left herself exposed and faked the stabbing wounds to set a trap for the Waif.

Makes me wonder if Arya was doing a little play acting leaving herself so vulnerable, and being stabbed.


That was Bronn.

All hail the new Queen of Sass!

Apparently, GRRM told someone at Balticon the other week that the show was skipping LS.

I think both 6 & 7 were set up episodes for the last 3, so that’s why they’ve been shorter. The last 3 apparently are some of the longest they’ve done.