
In all honesty, I think there are more trope subverting to come (the Hodor thing being an example), and nobody will really “win” in the end.

I think Season 6 has been pretty great, actually. I agree that GRRM has piled so much crap on his basic story that he laid out in books 1-3 that I think he’s found himself in a cul-de-sac he can’t get out of. But the show, knowing the ending, has wisely decided to cut past all that garbage and stick to getting to the

Wasn’t this how the director pitched it initially? He even name checked “Black Hawk Down”. Was Disney not listening?

“Instead of being like, ‘Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,’ or ‘Trump did a good job,’ everyone’s saying, ‘Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?’ And you make me look very bad,”

Sorry Rob but lots Ep 6 in a season that's meant to tell one story. Having open ended questions in basically the second act isn't baffling it's good storytelling. I didn't expect this ep to be the emotional hurricane last season was and I'm glad we for through one ep workout someone getting killed. It was a quieter

The sword is made of Valyrian steel right? I think that's why it's narratively important.

Because changing an actor's eyes is a sure way to alienate that character from the audience.

Sounds like a great premise that just becomes an excuse for a “Fault In Our Stars” - esque YA movie, right down to the uplifting pop music. Blech.

I’m always glad to see Barry Lyndon on these lists, and in the upper half. “E.T.” should be way higher.

Pre-last night’s episode: Bran is our Harry Potter!

That would be a change from the book, since GRRM is known to have told his publisher that Benjen isn’t Coldhands. But then again, apparently the show Nights King and the book are diverging, so I guess that could, too.

Well, they also stated last season the Shireen burning was from GRRM, so that was another big book spoiler.

First time since Littlefinger told Varys he had Ros sent to a “special customer with unusual taste”.

Somebody may have already said this in the 400+ comments, but Benioff clearly stated in the after show remarks that Hodor’s name comes from the original story session they did with GRRM years ago, and there are stories all over the internet from the author who accurately predicted it years back. So, yeah, it is going

In the after show remarks, Benioff clearly stated that GRRM told them about the Hodor thing early on in their story jam sessions about where the story was going. So yeah. It’s in the books.

GREAT EPISODE! Easily one of my favorites, maybe even Top 5. They are just knocking it out of the park this season. That ending ruined me. I thought another dire wolf dying was enough, then Hold The Door. I can’t even keep writing thinking about it....

I wonder if the dick close up tonight an homage/foreshadow of what happened at the end?

Oh, I was going to say Meera killing the WW which might confirm some theory about her, but now I’m being told its because Sam gave her the dragon glass in S3.

Dude, Benioff clearly stated in the after show remarks that the Hodor thing was part of GRRM’s original story jam session with them. It all comes from him.

I could see an enthusiastic endorsement if he has a campaign debt that needs to be retired. He’s got what? $5M in the bank? If he ends on June 8th with debt, he’ll need Clinton and probably Obama to help him fundraise to retire it, just like Trump did for Christie (and O for Clinton in ‘08). You’d be surprised how