
Polls mean nothing until after the conventions, and even then, take them with a grain of salt. I mean, there so much more stuff to come like VP picks, the conventions, the debates that could upend things. If anything, tight polls right now may make people less complacent, and low turnout was what I always worry about

And we can only hope in a few months, every Dem and reasonably intelligent person will be OK voting for Clinton, or, at least, against Trump. Elections aren’t decided in May.

The super delegates aren’ going to flip and alienate millions of minority voters, i.e., their base. Not going to happen.

The difference is Hillz didn’t burn Obama to the ground on her way out. And I say that as an O supporter in ‘08 and being thoroughly annoyed by her all throughout the process. But if anything, she did a great job hand holding her supporters back into the fold afterwards.

No one’s telling him to drop out now at the end. IN fact, every Dem establishment figure says he should finish it. What they don’t like is him trying to call the Democratic party corrupt and painting the inevitable nominee with the same brush, basically throwing red meat at his supporters, which essentially is doing

As awful as BS is right now trying to burn the house down around him, he at least won’t be on the ballot. At worst, enough of his supporters will stay home and throw the election to Trump, which is awful,but he’ll be able to deny responsibility.

“I think he’s been drinking too much of his own kool aid and doesn’t have the right advisors to pull him back.”

She’s the one who’s not Jennifer Lawrence.

Khan was so great, it couldn’t even be ruined by Search for Spock, which essentially took back every bit of emotional weight that “Khan” gave the characters.

I like him, thought he made a great Bond, but he pretty much sleepwalked through SPECTER. To be fair, it seemed like everyone else in front of and behind the camera did, too. Anyway, creatively, it might be a good choice since it seems pretty clear he’s bored with the role, but he hasn’t exactly lit it up outside the

Nice comment, but according to the NY Times tonight, he plans to burn the house down.

As a friend of mine says “If it’s not on the Previously On prologue”, I'm not responsible for remembering.

In S2, he saw the guard Osha killed and was told by his men that she helped them escape. It was what initiated him looking for the boys.

In S2, there’s a scene where Theon stands over the body of the guard Osha killed. He then is told that the Wildling woman “he was fucking” helped the kids escape. That was when he turned around and kicked the shit out of the guy, which was what didn’t endear him to his men.

I really hate that GRRM said Dany’s fireproof nature was a “one time thing”. It’s lazy, deux ex machina writing. Either she is, or isn’t, not when it’s convenient to his plotting.

The doors were bolted from the outside, friend.

Meryl Streep would’ve.

Looked like a lot of them were killed at Hardhome.

It was everything, and then some.

The Jon-Sansa reunion was everything. I almost didn’t care what happened afterwards. It kinda sagged in the middle. Not bad, but just seemed to be a lot of place setting, which I guess is typical for this show in the first half. Really picked up towards the end. Great dinner scene. Not just the Pink Letter, but