
Oh good I thought it was just me. The CGI really looks subpar, which is exasperating when you consider how (usually) disciplined Spielberg is about using it.

This looks so Zack Snyder-ish with the speed change action. Ugh. I hope Fassbender doesn’t turn into the next Samuel Jackson: A great actor who seemingly will do anything for a blockbuster paycheck.

Agreed! I go to fan sites like Watchers ON The Wall and M-Saturday is basically all just spit balling and speculation. Then assholes like this guy who somehow have seen the episodes (I’m guessing from a leak at an overseas channel) come to write entire summaries, and you see something without even realizing it. I know

I watch on HBO NOW at 6pm Pacific time just so I don’t actually stumble on a spoiler (seriously, once I had to wait and I heard something while in a freaking elevator). I’m going to be out of town on Memorial Day weekend not near an internet connection, so it’ll be interesting to see how that goes.

I don’t really care about the movie, but its kinda sad to see some of my current favorite actors (Fassbender, Lawerence, McAvoy, Isaac) reportedly all just phoning it in. Oh well. It bought them a new beach house.

Even Season 2 of TD?

But Lady found a home, anyway:

Podeswa, who directed Ep1 + 2, hinted in an interview that Jon’s resurrection may be tied to Ghost. so there may be more to the wolves than fierce pets. But it does seem like they’re dropping the Stark warg-ing thing.

There’s speculation that the clip in the trailer where Davos says, “The dead are coming”, he’s talking to the Mormont girl who bitched out Ramsay in that letter in S5.

I think we’re definitely setting up for Bran to go rogue and play with more magic than the 3ER is ready to grant him.

I would love to buy into the fan theory that this whole thing is just a Varys-Littlefinger pissing contest that ends with Littlefinger’s WW army vs. Varys’s Dragon army to decide if chaos really is a ladder.

Watching it a second time, I kinda got what they were trying to set up: That Tommen even at his most determined, is still fairly weak willed and can be easily manipulated. That’ll probably play into what happens next.

Ned sounds somber in the books from hindsight (that’s how I read it). That’s probably how he felt as an elderly man because of all the shit that happened with his sister and stabbing Dayne in the back. Not very honorable for Honorable Ned. In the present, I thought he sounded appropriately confident.

I think the Karstarks are legit oath breakers, but not sure about the Umbers., though I agree that there doesn’t really seem to be enough screen time left to give the Northern conspiracy its own deep dive, so maybe what we see is what we’re going to get.

BTW, when did Gregor Clean get on her list? Am I not remembering something?

I’m going to be That Guy: Theon doesn’t rescue Sansa from Winterfell in the books.

No it wasn’t. Some of the best dialogue scenes were between Arya and Tywin in S2 and those were entirely show invented. Not to mention the scene with Cersei and Robert in S1 where they drink and have a moment of commiseration.

I’m not a Shaggydog Truther, but why does it have to be a fake head for the Umbers to be up to something? Maybe they’re trying to take the North for themselves, and are using the Starks as a means of getting to betray Ramsay? Ultimately, just judging by clips in the original trailer, it looks like a huge battle is

Ghost is not the only dire wolf still alive. Summer (Bran)and Nymeria (Arya) are still alive.

I wonder how Edd feels about it: Here, you deal with the Nights King. I’m out.