
Now I wonder how they’re going to show that second half of ToJ. I mean, it seems like they’re setting up a parallel narrative for Bran where he goes Arya and cheats on the magic for his own personal purpose. But I think the ToJ reveal would be so much more powerful if Jon were the one to experience it. But I admit I

No. Ramsay must die at Sansa’s hands. The Many Faced Gods in my living room every sunday night demands it.

I’ve noticed we haven’t seen Bran’s dire wolf at all over there in the weir wood.

He needed to go back and devote all his time to directing Prometheus 2.

I forget what its like in the book, but from the scene last season in the Winterfell crypts, Littlefinger seems to definitely know that Lyanna had a child in that tower.

Ep 5 summary from HBO: “Bran learns a secret”.

Why would Ramsay kill Rickon? He needs a Stark in Winterfell. I mean, RAmsay’s not crazy, or anything.

For a movie starring Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, Oscar Isaac, James McAvoy, and Sophie Turner, you’d think I’d be first in line. But I kinda don’t care.

Yeah caveat: If Melisandre stops to have a meal, make that 700 pagers to get to the same place.

There are theories for everything in this story.

I hadn’t thought about the Frey alliance, but they’re not really a powerful army are they? I thought their value laid in controlling passage through the Twins, but otherwise they stayed out of the actual combat.

Ep3, Jon’s first words when he walks out is, “Who fucked with my hair?”

The show’s been more subtle about it than the books. If you even just read the first book, it seems pretty obvious.

“I threw out the reason Winds is being delayed is because GRRM is keeping Jon Snow dead just to be a dick a few weeks ago.”

I don’t get why people are confused about Davos’s motivation. He knows winter is coming since the end of S3. In S5, he saw first hand how well the Wildlings follow Jon Snow, and he knows he’s going to need them for an army against the dead. If Mel can do anything to help that cause, why shouldn’t they try? Davos is

And when book wanker theory proves wrong like with Stannis, the show is going off book and sucks. Can’t win.

It is peculiar Ghost was just chilling there until everyone split.

The kid who plays Olly gets death threats because fanboys are awful Annie Wilkes wannabes.

Davos knows they’re going to need an army to fight the WW and Jon can lead the Wildlings. He didn’t bring Jon back because they’re buddies but because he knows the war is coming and they're going to need every army they can.

“I’m here to help. Please don’t eat the help.”