
Well, Tywin went down while sitting on the bowl, so by comparison, Roose went down like a fighter.

I don’t want to give anything away, but I think we’re going to find out why they didn’t do that in an upcoming episode.

Fucking amazing episode, and not just because there was no Dorne. Every scene hit its mark. My only slight complaint was how quickly Roose was dispatched, but I’m kind of a Michael McElhatton guy. Others may not care. Anyway, I was utterly on the edge of my seat in that last scene in a way I can’t remember being since

He’s definitely an acquired taste. I’ve liked a lot of his movies, but I definitely don’t recommend them to anyone unless I know they’re really into art cinema. “The Mirror” and “The Sacrifice” are probably two of the slowest films I’ve ever seen.

“Maybe her saner friends have talked her down from the crazy ledge.”

DAmn, the Millennium Falcon is big. We live in interesting times.

Basically, Jyn’s father is the Robert Oppenheimer of the SW universe.

I really disliked this movie, but she was great in it.

I’ve liked her in everything I’ve seen, even when the movie wasn’t good, so I’m fine with this (more Alicia!). Still, kinda surprised Daisy didn’t get it, if only because she has more box office right now.

It may not be the worst offender, but the one that sticks out in my mind is “The Terminal”. I get that whole movie was set in an airport terminal and you’re going to see stores and it would look weird if everything had names you never heard of. But did Stanley Tucci’s office, a central part of the story, have to be

This is why I don’t get all happy feet when Hollywood stands up to bigots in Georgia or North Carolina. China’s human rights records makes them look like amateurs, and they basically have final cut approval over most of blockbusters right now, and Hollywood has no problem bowing to that.

“Also, I recognize that there are a ton of political factors involved with casting Tibetan characters while also catering Chinese funding. That’s a whole can of worms I don’t wanna explore.”

I wrote this above, but here it is again: There’s a gap of time. Doran gets a message saying Marcella’s dead (likely from Trystane or Jamie, since they’re two of the few who know. Doubt Bronn would care enough to send a message). In that time gap, the two SS could have sailed and caught up with the ship in KL. The

There’s a gap of time. Doran gets a message saying Marcella’s dead (likely from Trystane or Jamie, since they’re two of the few who know. Doubt Bronn would care enough to send a message). In that time gap, the two SS could have sailed and caught up with the ship in KL. The show messed up in the staging a bit, since it

I always thought the interesting thing about the Brienne vs. Hound scene was that...the Hound was right. Where the hell was she going to take Arya that would be safe? Back to KL? To Winterfell? Brienne is the epitome of good intentions, not backed up by pragmatism.

my guess is that Dorne will be sidelined until Dany arrives and they form an alliance. Like everyone else, I’m not a fan of Dorne stuff, but that has nothing to do with the changes to the characters/story. It’s just the execution. The acting and writing really seems to be from an entirely different crew, and not a

But those were blood hounds, right? Not the ones Ramsay has in those cages that he unleashed on Yara in S4, right? Blood hounds aren’t known as vicious fighters.

There’s a fan theory that Arya may be sent by the Faceless Men to assassinate Daenarys, but I see no evidence of that.

The letter that Doran got was from Trystane, so in the period of time that it took the letter to reach him, the SS took a separate ship to ambush Trystane. But that’s not to say Dorne isn’t a filled with plot holes. We’re talking about days here, at least, and the way the Dorne scene is staged, it looks like they’re

That’s the most elderly nudity I’ve seen since The Shining.