
I think that will be her dilemma: youth or bring Jon back. It’s really interesting.

So her dilemma is to resurrect Jon (the Chosen One) or remain young and beautiful? I like the Sophie’s Choice.

They’re actually dating, so maybe the answer isn’t “no”. (they may have broken up by now, but they definitely dated during and after filming)

I got it from Redbox for $1 and pretty much felt the same way. I got through it but basically stopped paying attention halfway through.

She wasn’t great, but in the list of things wrong with that movie, she doesn’t even make the Top 10. The Person I hope is sent back to TV Land is Alan Taylor, who clearly can’t direct a big feature film.

“And then, Episodes VIII and IX could have the freedom to get weird.”

My only complaint about Simmons is that he’s not as funny as he thinks he is, which makes him obnoxious. But, yeah, Grantland was a great site for internet writing.

You may get half your wish this season: Sansa, The Queen of the North.

Oh no, if he’s emotionally drained and can’t give another stump speech, then fine, leave. It just seemed to me he was enjoying himself, but I guess at 74, the grind hits you a little harder.

I’m not a supporter of his, but I think he should just run out the clock. He’s going to get clowned next week, may even lose all 5 states, but he has the money and we’re near the end. Just finish it for his supporters. As long as he stops trying to give the GOP all the talking points they’ll need in the fall against

And didn’t JJ already produce a similar film with Chloe Grace Moritz where she gets into an accident and is in limbo and has to decide to go into the light, or back to the world of the living? He seems really drawn to these New Age-y stories.

I’m with you. I thought it was harrowing, which was its intent, but it could’ve been so much worse (and, I’m told, was in the book, though it wasn’t Sansa that it happened to, which made it —- OK?). Not that I go out of my way to watch it again, though.

I think Disney gets the “feels like Star Wars” argument. I don’t think they’re going to let Johnson go half cock on their multi-billion dollar franchise. If anything, they might act as a good check on him (I wasn’t a fan of Looper, either, but I think he’s got talent). They must like the direction he's taking things,

Johnson wrote Ep 9, no? Or is writing.

In a way, JJ, in his infinite lack of originality or doing anything daring, was the perfect choice to make FA. He wasn’t going to step on anyone’s toes. Maybe the safe route turned some off - not me - but ultimately, it was probably the smart way to go.

On my third viewing, yeah, it seemed like chemistry to me, too, but...come on, Jake. It’s Disney.

Johnson is such a wild card. Each of his films have had their moments of pure inspiration, but, for me, they all just fell apart in the second half when they got way too full of their own cleverness (Brothers Bloom especially). I’m hoping Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger will keep his more wild inclinations in check, so

That’s always my thought. Then I remember I bet against him on “Titanic” and “Avatar”, and now I’m just inclined to believe he knows more than I do. But this does seem entirely unnecessary and unwanted.

The article was a classic case of rabid, self righteous PC word sausage, but at least its given us some thoughtful and nuanced discussion in the comments section, along with some damn fine poetry.

I thought he was the best thing in Hail Caesar! but I still don’t care about this movie. Might be the one SW project that doesn’t get me excited.