
The last two Democratic presidents stayed incredibly active in global philanthropy through Habitat for Humanity and the Clinton Global (just for now, I won’t get into the more controversial aspects of it). Republican presidents, which is Reagan, Bush 1 and 2, were known mostly for painting, playing golf, and jumping

The $250 is a) likely a low ball figure (I’ve read as high as $400) and b) doesn’t include prints and ads, which are usually half the budget (so anywhere between 125-200). Add to that studios don’t get all of that 785+, and rate of return from foreign markets tend to vary (studios get much less back from China, for

Wouldn’t they have to explain why he never returns to Jakku to finish the job? I get being torn by the Dark and the Light, but for him to let her live, there seems to have to be an emotional component - brother/sister, for example - that would compel him to not go kill her, especially since we see him as almost full

I’m really looking forward to the Sansa storyline this year. After her controversial turn last season, it seems like this will be the flip side of that. Clearly, she’s going to be rallying the North against the Boltons with Davos at her side. I’m rooting for the Queen of the North season finale, with Davos as her Hand.

Aren’t Rey and Kylo the same age? That sounds like an awful lot of stuff for a child like Kylo to have been doing.

All these reasons. Its’ like Jon Snow (if you’re a Game of Thrones watcher). If his mother was just some tavern wench as its been laid out, why the secrecy in keeping her name and all the references to it over time? Too much has been made of her past for it to be some random. I’ll wager that look of melancholy on

“So to me, it’s funny that people think it’s so important because I don’t really think it is.”

My money always was on Han dumping her on Jakku, which would explain his look of recognition when she tells him her name.

I think it’s a fake out. That last shot of the dragon breathing fire into the camera looks suspiciously like it might have been lifted from S5.

haha, I gave up halfway through, too. And I think I kinda agree with him.

Yes, its when Han and Jyn were trying to save Christmastown that their romance blossomed.

I’d have a hard time buying that Han was so close to his own daughter and not know who she was, unless we’re talking some weird Oedipal or Oldboy plot twist. And Harrison Ford clearly was directed to act like he recognized her. The scene where Maz asks Han “Who is she?” and they deliberately cut away leads you to

If you’re on Twitter, Mark Hamill jokes about not having any lines in SW all the time. It’s just a continuation of it.

Me, too, but I’ve decided that with Irvin Kirshner, Richard Marquand, and JJ Abrams, Star Wars need not have a great director to be great.

The question is will it really be Star Wars without Jedi’s and the Force? Or will it look more like every other space action movie, but with the visual and sound design of Star Wars? I’m skeptical about the director, and I’m not nearly as excited about this as I am about Ep 8, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t

Yeah, it’s funny that they go on at length about finding the look that would approximate Bolland, and what they came up with was the same look as all the other Batman Animated material.

“After the some criticism of the “heart attack serious” tone of Batman v Superman, would give audiences the film that awesome trailer is selling.”

I’m with you. She’s not a bad actor, just an incredibly boring one. I’ve found her dull her entire career, even in Princess Bride. I can’t stand her in House of Cards; then again, that entire show jumped the shark last season.

It’s cute when women become engaged to athletes and think they’re being faithful.

Just speaking for me, but i consider most stuff made and uploaded to YouTube crap. When the standards for acceptance is almost no standard, it diminishes the effect of what’s being seen. You have to be accepted to the Tribeca FF, and since they only approve a select number of films, it gives your work an imprint of