
“Starting a conversation” isn’t about just giving any quack a platform. If you’re going down that road, then why not show the latest crazy pants doc from Dinesh D’Souza? People like Wakefield need to confine their “documentaries” to YouTube.

You mean the GOP Congress? So outraged by Brussels they’re going on a 3 week vacation tomorrow?

Among many other things, I’ll miss the youthfulness of both of them. Yeah, he’s aged in dog years on the job, but they still capture a certain hopeful image of the White House. Whoever takes over next is just going to be... older. I mean, unless it’s (shudder) Ted Cruz.

This is Zero Fucks To Give Obama. He doesn’t care what the GOP says anymore. Anyone who thinks he should be in Brussels kicking doors in is just ignorant. I mean, this is a state dinner. He’s not just chilling at a club.

Paul Schrader once said something about critics “buying stock” in a filmmaker/film, meaning they have invested so much time in liking/disliking them or a film sight unseen, that it becomes impossible for them to judge it impartially. I feel like a lot of fanboys have “bought stock” in BvS sucking, and will not change

I’m agnostic about this whole BvS thing, but is it gonna suck for fanboys if this turns out really well? Because the first word out of the premiere is highly positive.

Trump is every bad thing everyone’s ever said about him, BUT...those are some pretty sick burns.

It’s just science.

Fuck. No.

Agree. The Strangelove one really worked for me. Some of the others less so. But we’ve lived with supercuts, parodies, and memes for so long, this is hardly a desecration of the original film’s qualities.

“And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.”

Nah, that crazy pants in Arizona takes the prize. Jindal’s more of a tool.

This sounds like one of those projects that will be chasing its own tail for some time.

Yep. He sounds like a moron for even writing that (assuming he was serious).

So is Louis C.K. really a Republican? Because I don’t get the “vote conservative so we can balance out the universe” crap.

Crying Game had a pretty great twist, too.

I really want the rumor that Clooney leaked those FLIRTING BTS footage to be true.

LOL. She’s making $20 million for “Passengers”.

Age has nothing to do with it. Lawrence has the clout to shut down a whole production if she wants to. Adams doesn’t.

I get a feeling Russell realizes he needs Lawrence more than she needs him, frankly, and behaves accordingly.