
Yeah, the story I heard was Russell was abusing a group of extras (forget if it was physically or verbally), and Clooney had had enough and told him to knock it off. Russell apparently told him to shut the fuck up, at which point Clooney grabbed Russell by the neck and started to choke him and they had to be

I give Clooney credit for not kissing up to Russell again after his career resurgence, as many people in Hollywood would do. Apparently, to this day, he hates the guy.

What surprises me is that he’s like this on every movie, so Adams clearly knew what he was like after The Fighter. Did she love the Hustle script that much? And how does someone who seems as chill as JLaw put up with the guy for three films, attends the Oscars with him, and announce that she would work with him

“Look, this all begins and ends with Ridley’s quote on the subject. The movies about Egyptian gods and Biblical stories wouldn’t get made with Mohamed Saad Ahmed or Gila Almagor in the leads.”

It’s pretty much confirmed that VII made changes because Rian asked for them (whether it was additions or subtractions, I don’t know). I think JJ or Kennedy said it themselves in an interview. It seems like a real possibility that the footage here of Rian in Ireland means he more than likely had a hand in directing

His Jedi beard is utterly on point, and the absence of plastic surgery has made his face a glorious collection of melancholy lines and wrinkles.

Is that true that Rian directed that last scene? It definitely felt different than what JJ normally does. It was also the best scene in the movie (I loved the movie, though).

Or Max von Sydow.

Everyone’s saying this, but she most definitely doesn’t not resemble Daisy Ridley.

I’m guessing the over the shoulder shot of Rey is a B roll from FORCE, but the close up is new footage Rian Johnson shot, so there could logically be a time jump. Maybe not of years, but a short time.

I know! When do we get the shot by shot breakdown write up?

The hero we need, and deserve.

Which brand of libertarianism leaves flyers on my car for Lyndon LaRouche every four years? That’s the one I hate.

I liked the first episode, but I admit its the hardest one to watch. It completely turned my sister off from watching anymore, too. Episodes 3-5 are some of the best television in recent memory.

Waldo Lydecker was such a bitch.

I always feel with certifiably talented actors like FAssender, JLaw, and Oscar Isaac, I should be more excited about these movies than I am. And that they should look more than just a run of the mill CGI summer blockbuster spectacle.

Well, I would think people here would have San Bernardino on their mind than Paris, due to the proximity of the event. But neither seemed to keep people away from Force really anywhere. More likely, The Hunger Games movies just ran out of gas.

Well, Harvey Weinstein seems to think it also robbed Hateful Eight of about $50 million, or so, said he will never release a movie in the Star Wars orbit again. It didn't seem to have much of an effect on Revenant, though that didn't go wide until 3 weeks after FORCE came out.

I hope it has a better last act than It Follows did, my only real complaint about that movie. So many horror movies, especially recently, lose it at the end because they feel the need to be conventional.

Does the $100 million value include future residuals from his music? I have to imagine those are worth a whole lot more.