
Devotion and doing. Complaining aint governing. He will get nothing done if he’s elected. Then again, nominating him is pretty much like nominating Ralph Nader: It’s a golden ticket for President Trump or Cruz. He has no path to 270. And it ain’t just me saying it, but Nobel Prize winners like Paul Krugman.

Or she’s related to Grand Moff Tarkin? or General Hux?

Thank you. Not everything needs to be DaVinci Coded.

Poe won’t figure into this. Remember Oscar Isaac said that Poe was originally supposed to die in the TIE Fighter crash on Jakku, but they decided to expand his role. Wise move.

He always did go against the Jedi grain.

Except Harrison Ford’s performance clearly shows he knows who she is.

I just don’t buy that a parent would be in the presence of their child and a) not acknowledge them, or b) not know it. And as I said in the previous post, my guess with Luke dumping her on Jakku is that he left her with the Von Sydow character, and they were separated for some reason we don't know yet, which makes it

Rob has a good point that I hadn’t thought of that it’s kind of a dick move to dump your daughter on a planet to be raised by a guy who’s going to ration out your food. My guess is that the Max Von Sydow character is who Luke intended to leave her with, but something happened along the way, likely to be filled in in


Nobody cares about a whole universe of characters. They care about the Skywalkers.

So many people fail upwards just because they’re “good in a room” i.e., good at ass kissing.

I think you’re only laughing if you recognize him from GIRLS. I don’t watch GIRLS so, no, I didn’t, and nobody in the theaters did the two times I saw it,either.

I’m still stunned that the original made so much money. Yeah, a lot of it had to do with the foreign exchange rate in 2009, but when you think of all the money Force Awakens has made, and it’s not even going to come close to matching Avatar’s global box’s still hard to believe. And I can’t find anyone who

George was trying to tell a human story, but he was also trying to tell a political/historcal one (as we saw in the prequels in which he went all in on the Fall of the Roman Empire theme). I mean, the Ewoks taking down the Empire is basically his version of what the Vietnamese did to the bigger, more militarized

Just want to say: I love that shot that’s in the headline and was disappointed it wasn’t in the final film.

It’s not too late for Serial to rescue their yawn inducing second season by switching to this story!

BvS won’t bomb. It may not do Force Awakens or Dark Knight numbers, but it won’t be F4 either. There’s just too much interest in the film and a March release date gives it some room to play without much competition. Even if a lot of people hate watch it, people will watch it. And I speak as an agnostic when it comes

I mostly agree though I probably liked the movie more than you did. My first reaction after catching my breath was also “But i’m kinda glad J. J. isn’t coming back”. HIs conservative, reverential style is fine to kick start things again, or, in their own words, a “bridge” between the trilogies, but going forward, they

It seems ideal. Disney must not only have seen the billions, but all the pictures on social media of families getting together over the holidays and going to see Star Wars together. Now the question is, will Avatar 2 move (if it even finishes by then).

I want to add an odd choice for symmetry: SIDEWAYS. It opens on a black screen with a door knock. Miles opens the door and its his landlord telling him he has to move his car. In of itself, it’s just an innocuous shot, but the last shot of the movie is Miles going to his girlfriend Maya’s house, and Alexander Payne