
“You don’t cast Margot Robbie and put her in sweat pants”

Seriously. Well, only 49 more weeks to go.

She likely dies at the end of ROGUE, and Rey doesn’t look 30 years old, so that’s unlikely.

I thought i read they were using a digital image of Peter Cushing for Tarkin. If true, I wonder how they’ll do the voice.

I had hoped it would get a BP nom, even if it had no chance of winning. I thought the Academy might do it to acknowledge the amount of money it made for the industry, and how it was the object that everyone in the world seemed to rally around for Christmas. I don’t really think JJ deserved one, but if Stallone could

FWIW, Miller has an outside chance at director (better than outside in the DGA award), moreso than, I think, the film does. I say this mostly because I think the Best Pic will be either Spotlight or Big Short, and I don’t see either McCarthy or McKay winning it. The Revenant is every bit the slog you think it is.

I think that’s on the invitation.

Like Boba Fett.


I liked them. And I liked Force Awakens. It’s Star Wars. It’s going to be better than 99% of the blockbuster dreck, if it just deals with Jedis and Siths. I will say he’s right about one thing about the prequels, and it’s something I’ve said for awhile: At least he tried to tell a different story in a different way.

Han definitely recognizes her name by the deliberate double take Ford does in the Falcon. But that doesn’t mean he suspects she’s his (seriously, how does a parent not know that’s their child, unless we’re talking Greek Oedipal/Angel Heart shit). I thought it could just as easily mean she was Luke’s, which of course

I mostly agree. I enjoyed the hell out of it the first time: it was big, fun, exciting and soulful. My opinion didn’t change the second time and I would definitely re- watch it many times again. That is not to say all my issues went away the second go around. The R2 thing at the end aril annoyed me, but that points to

Ugh, freaking spell check. Thanks for catching that.

If you watch the fight again, Finn was on the defensive and on his back foot the whole fight. That one cut was lucky, at best, and it’s pretty well set up that Kylo was hurt and bleeding because of Chewie’s laser blast, and, also, not a fully trained Sith.

Finn was pretty much on the defensive the entire fight with Kylo. I paid special attention the second viewing. He was on his blackfoot the whole time except for one lucky (?) swipe. Frankly, so was Rey. The entire first part of her duel she was being driven back until he had her cornered on the cliff. Let’s stop this

Kings man should be on the worst list along with Jupiter Ascending.

Except this saga has and always will be about the Skywalker lineage. It is known.

I don’t think they needed Star Wars to decide that.

The only caveat about that is that SW isn’t big in China. The OT never opened there and the prequels high was Sith which did (I think) less than $20 million. I agree right now its not a fair fight, but opening in China doesn’t mean it was guaranteed to bridge that $16 million, or so, foreign gap.

What are the odds he’s still on it by the time that comes around? After this weekend, I wouldn’t be surprised if Abrams was asked back aboard to finish it. Or if Rian’s version is great, he’s asked to stick around.