
Yeah, that was my opinion about JW. Nothing about it offended or particularly excited me. It just...was there. Kinda entertaining, never really boring. Next! Frankly, Force Awakens is the first real box office blockbuster that I’ve felt any real emotion in in awhile (I don’t include Fury Road, since that “only” made

I look at Avatar’s 2.7 billion box office and am just baffled. I don’t know anyone who’s really in love with this movie. Maybe it was just a moment? I dunno. It seems almost completely forgotten, frankly, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone passionate about it.

We actually had a 35mm film screening in L.A., and I saw it both IMAX 3D and film. I prefer the film version. The colors were just warmer, and the image with the slight grain just blends well with my memories of the OT. Bt that might just be me. The IMAX version at the Chinese was pretty spectacular, too but in that

The sheer smugness of this article. I had to check the byline to see if it was a Hamilton Nolan job.

It seems like with each new movie, there’s hope...among some that they will rediscover the magic for the first time. Those days are long gone, never to return.

I’ve been reading headlines and opening sentences to get a vibe of word of mouth and that’s it. Generally, it seems the consensus is this is the third best SW movie, which, given the director and the era, is probably as good as it gets. Time to get over the notion that anything ever will touch the first two.

One thing I’m relieved to hear is that Daisy Ridley is good and maybe even better than that. She had always been an X factor since she’d never been in a movie before. I just didn't need another Jake Lloyd performance.

“The trailer feels like a perfect, 90 second tease”

I’ve always thought this too: The prequels needed that ironic, skeptical voice to be the audience’s entrance into the story. Of course, then everyone would’ve complaint that it was just a Han Solo rip off. Star Wars: You’re Fucked If You Do, You’re Fucked If You Don’t.

and Ford’s performance ranges from campy to lazy. Admit it. He’s pretty awful in “Jedi”, likely because he stopped caring.

I think you tend to like your Greatest Hits when your recent stuff ( in Ford’s case, his roles the last 20 years) are so easily forgettable and you’ve been reduced to supporting roles in Age of Adeline. I’m sure he’s over the moon that Lucas didn’t listen to him about killing Han in “Jedi”.

Part of me thinks Trump gets a lot of credit, because it seems like he really threw Jeb! off his game early on and he never recovered. But another part of me also thinks Jeb! is just a shitty campaigner and his time came and went about four years ago (when he would’ve lost to Obama, anyway).

Jeb is the Willy Loman of politics right now.

I love the guy and wouldn’t be averse if he were a Giant for what’s left o this career. I think he can resurrect himself in the bullpen especially if he listens to Bochy and Righetti. But I don’t want to pay him $20 million or whatever his contract was. So it’s up to him to see if he has any value on the market,

Fuck off with your reasoned logic, Spock! You know you’re on Kinja, right?

As a Giants fan, I’m glad they didn’t sign this guy. Yeah, they need help in the starting rotation, but dumping a truck load of money on a mercenary pitcher isn’t healthy for the future,and they’ve already won 3/6 World Series. Let the Dodgers bankrupt themselves with a bunch of guys who have no team chemistry and no

I worked with Craig on a movie once. He’s not exactly the nicest person himself and, unless he’s changed in the past couple of years, is a pretty far right wing guy, which means Cruz is scary right wing.

Affleck actually looks pretty good as Wayne. And, yeah, that WW end was probably the highlight. Still, effects look terrible (yeah, yeah, yeah, trailer - but its become a Snyder signature), and the tone of this is completely different than anything they’ve shown so far, which isn’t a good sign. like they’re not sure

Shut your whore mouth! Gene Hackman is gold!

Look, I’ve always said “plot” is one of the least important element in a movie. There are great movie that don’t even have a plot, say, Empire Strikes Back. If they get the character right, that’ll go a long way. I’m just getting the feeling that a lot of this is Abrams cannabilizing the OT because Disney knows that’s