
First off: i’m excited as shit for this movie. But my entire anxiety from the very start since Abrams involvement is that it becomes more about “fan service” than storytelling, like they made a list of all the stuff the fanbase loved and turned it up to 11. Whatever you think of the prequels, Lucas didn’t take the

Mamba (really) out.

Geez, Carly. Even Huckabee called it “terrorism”. When you sound further right than Mike, you are through the looking glass.

I didnt think it was bad. It was entertaining enough that I could turn off my brain and enjoy it. At the end of the day, though, it was basically just a long episode of Masters of Horror (much like What Lies Beneath was).

Then he signed onto Jungle Book.

Which is why I wish I hadn’t seen this. That would've been a cool in movie reveal. Thanks, Facebook auto play.

I’m guessing theater distributors have seen it? I always recall word of mouth leaking from these screenings for other top secret releases in the past. Unless this is an unusual case where they’re booking it sight unseen (entirely possible).

I’ve been curious about this, too. From what I gather, it seemed like they didn’t realize Hollande would be there and was surprised by the enhanced security and decided to blow themselves up outside, which likely decreased the number of casualties. But information may have changed since I heard this on NPR last night.

I’m quoting “Aliens”.

I hear the Force is a pretty solid religion based on not going to the fucking Dark Side.

“...nuke ISIS held territories.”

Reports that one of the shooters yelled “God is great” in Arab before opening fire on the Cambodian restaurant. Unconfirmed, but there are eyewitnesses that said that was said before the shooting started.

We also don’t know if the attack on the stadium was an assassination attempt on Hollande. The reports are sketchy of where the suicide bombers blew themselves up (likely outside the stadium? it’s unclear), which could determine if they knew or didn’t that he’d be there.

BB8 got dusted in that explosion.

My guess is the Luke mystery is more marketing gimmick than story related. Not that he won't have great material in the movie, but I sense it has more to do wirh building even more buzz than giving plot details away.

Worlds first selfie.

I'm pretty sure we're about to find out he didn't separate conjoined twins, but two kids fighting at a sand lot.

I wouldn't lose sleep over it. He's not going to be the nominee. This is an extension of his reality TV show.

Trump is just an all around hate magnet.

General audience person here: This looks awful. I mean,Prince of Persia-bad.