
How many kids even know what a compact disc or a fax machine look like?

Two years ago,she was tending bar and going to open auditions. How life changes.

I think it’s because the Empire rewrote history, as when Tarkin said in ANH that the last remnant of the Old Republic will soon be gone. That seemed a pointed reference to fascisms way of saying “history starts now”, like the North Koreans did.

The cookie story is mostly WTF on everyone’s part. I’ve worked for clueless dependent Hollywood A listers, and I think even they’re capable of seeing something in front of their faces. The Hide and Seek story is just bizarre. Michael Jackson bizarre.

That actually looked like a pretty tough double play to turn.

Translation: Blomkamp will never make an Alien movie. (hopefully he’ll go back to doing drawings, where apparently his real talent lies)

Sagan was a warm, genial teacher you felt you could have a conversation with and not be shown up. Neil can come across a bit like a smug nerd sometimes, the guy at the party who won’t shut up about how smart he is.

So bad.

That was the best episode, even though I thought the ending was lame. The only other episode I remember was the Scosese one with Sam Waterston. Oh, and the pilot, ‘Ghost Train’, the other one Spielberg directed, which wasn’t very good.

Ruffalo being a Truther kinda disqualifies him.

I’m looking forward to checking this out. I like Ritter. Hopefully it’ll be better written and acted than Daredevil.

As a Giants fan, I can only laugh at this (as I do with most things concerning the Dodgers). But it’s not exactly his fault that his supposed Greatest Pitchers of All Time chokes every post season. When the lights were hot, I didn’t see Bumgarner, Lincecum, Cain, hell, even Zito choke away the moment. But Kershaw’s

Also, I know this is a genre site, but you could also add a couple of Warren Beatty train wrecks like Ishtar and Town and Country, as well as a little known film called Heaven’s Gate.

They both sucked.


So Hunger Games sold $67 million advance tickets, and FA already has done 8x that, which’s already made $536 million? Or am I just bad at math. (both can be true)

John Boyega is already confirmed for the next movie so it’s not Finn. I think it’s Chewie because of the fur, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s dead. Maybe just badly hurt and almost. I actually hope the fur means it’s an Ewok.

Pretty cheeky of Mark Hamill to be on Twitter all last night and not even once mention Star Wars. I didn’t ready what people were tweeting him, but i’m sure someone asked “Where’s Luke?”.

Some speculation is that Daisy Ridley is crying over a Wookie because you can kinda see fur. Maybe Chewie is hurt and she thinks he’s dead, but turns out it was just his arm?

Welcome to America.