

Who was Kylo Ren (?-sorry, still getting used to new character names) trying to mind fuck in that one clip? I swore even on my third viewing, it looked like a young Mark Hamill.

You know a lot of these ads are put out to maintain relationships with talent, don’t you?

Dammit! Mallory and Chris do a fun Game of Thrones podcast! Hopefully they’ll take that over to wherever they’re going.

I don;t have a problem with remakes. There have been some that are classics: The Thing, El Dorado, Ben-Hur. I do have a problem with reboot mania where classic stories are “reinvented” as an origin story with the only relation to the original text being character names and places. They almost always miss the entire

P.J. Hogan’s Pan version is still the most underrated version of the story. It gets at the core of what Pan is about, instead of shoe horning in another “chosen one” arc meant only as a means to a franchise.

My résponse to the pilot was “meh”. Interesting ideas and concept, which I guess is from the book. But the execution - the filmmaking, the acting - was really bland. I’m not going to judge it too harshly, since its just a pilot, but I found it really slow, overall, and that last twist didn’t hook me like I think they

Damn, Kubrick was good.

A Man needs the Mophie Jaeger.

I always find it hysterical how puritanical this country is.

I think it’s pretty obvious he’s saying it was hard to be his friend because he was in such an unfair situation that he couldn’t help him with, not that he was embarrassed to be seen with the guy.

Well, I agree with his last point.

Their congressional majorities has as much, if not more, to do with gerrymandering and the left’s tendency to not vote as anything to do with messaging.

I think Kim Davis proves they’re not over it.

The trailers has me worried about the excess of CGI, which is never scary or atmospheric. What made Pan’s Labyrinth so effective was that so many of the creatures were guys in costume (among other elements). Hopefully, the “mixed” reaction leans more towards the Pan’s side, than the style over substance side.

She said in a recent Entertainment Weekly interview that she hasn’t heard a thing about that project, and probably is too old for the role now, anyway. So, yeah, ship sailed.

Disney’s done a lot right with their properties (Marvel, Pixar, and - god willing - Lucasfilm), but they can’t seem to figure out the Muppets. Eh, probably Jim Henson being gone has a lot to do with it. His kids, or whoever’s been running it, seem clueless.

Now playing

isn’t the Star Wars one the most famous?

The interview that Maisie Williams is referring to did seem a little on the nose to be entirely factual.

I picture Trump waking up every morning and plotting to say something so horrible and offensive, that it’s guaranteed to disqualify him for the nomination. And then going to bed stunned that it didn't.