
Stannis earned his Mannis nickname last night: The Shireen scene was one of my favorites in the entire SERIES. D&D has always done a better job at the child-war weary adult pairing than the books (see Tywin-Arya, Arya-Hound, Shireen-Davos), but they took it to a new level last night.

Also pretty obvious if you read Book One. Frankly, the series has done a better job of turning his parentage into a mystery than the novel.

This is the casting that worries me. Everything I’ve seen of Driver, he doesn’t exactly seem intimidating or really have any gravitas. Knowing Abrams fondness for casting young and sexy, I wonder if he shouldn’t have gone older here. Maybe Fincher was right: “Driver is a terrible choice” for the villain. We’ll see.

I’d say George Miller, but he’s such a unique filmmaker, capable of both greatness and chaos, I’m not sure he fits into the corporate, assembly line structure Kennedy seems to be establishing.

It might be the only thing that gets me excited about a Boba Fett movie, if that's really what it is.

Edgar Wright would be a great choice.

The Antholgy series are second tier SW films. Fincher’s not going near that. And his only foray into science fiction is nearly unwatchable.


“Hey, here’s the twist: Darth Vader is an angry blogger....”

Shortly after the announcement, my Twitter feed (I follow a lot of relatively unknown film people who are writers/producers/set people) exploded with the word “karma”. I kinda doubt these are just stories, or a smear job.

I feel like the inference here is that the dogs didn’t do the damage but are taking the fall.

“Y’see,it’s about aliens that invade Earth and they have only one weakness: water.”

Sansa isn't the rightful heir to Winterfell as long as Bran and Rickon are alive.

I don’t know how I feel about the coin rolling down the wall to introduce Braavos. It seems kinda silly to me. But the title sequence is always one of my favorite parts of the show.

You could make that argument about Sansa, but not Littlefinger, who has always seem on par with Varys in culling of information.

I pretty much agree. I didn’t read Storm of Swords but from what I know of the character it seems to play into Martin’s worst dead/not dead tendencies.

I still think they’re slowly turning Sansa into Stoneheart, which means she’ll have to have her throat cut at some point. Maybe we’ve reached that point which would explain Brienne’s proximity. My guess (and that's all it is) is that Ramsay tries some sick shit and Theon has had enough and rescues Sansa, but not

When I said “in the books”, I was referring to Jeyne Poole’s encounter with Ramsay.

Yeah, that appalled eye rolling was hilarious.

“....the priestess is saying that Daenerys is the reincarnation of Azor Ahai, a legendary hero to the worshippers of R’hllor — and a lot of the stuff seems to fit, like being reborn in fire. There’s just one problem: Melisandre, another red priestess, has been insisting that Stannis is the chosen savior instead. They