
I think that interjection of “The North Remembers” to Sansa was a key moment: No way do the Northerners accept anyone other than a Stark ruling Winterfell. Throw in the story of Ramsay flaying the people he’s trying to collect taxes from, and even Roos seems to know shit is about to hit the fan.

I don’t know who two of the girls were, but one was definitely that girl Ramsey’s been shagging and hunting humans with. That’s why the stink eye at Sansa.

My LOL moment was Tyrion’s “I need to speak to someone with hair” line to Varys. Poor Varys.

Such a great moment. Maisie conveys so much with her face.

And why did she and Tyrion have that looooonnnnggg stare down?

I loved the episode, but this moment struck me as odd. Yes. I jumped. But it seemed like a horror movie scare and out of place. But I’ll reserve judgement until I see what’s exactly under that blanket.

I agree with your the Bolton’s days are numbered theory.

I think we’re seeing why D&D went to such excessive lengths with Theon’s torture scene in S3, so everyone would have this reaction with Sansa. In other words, I think it’s a fake out and some people are reacting exactly the way they wanted them to based on that history (and what was in the books, I presume. I’m not a

He brought a small group because the alliance had been worked out offscreen. That’s why he had that letter in episode 2. You make it sound like he just rode up and knocked on his door . Roos wouldn’t run back to the Lannisters explicitly because his arrangement was with Tywin, not Tommen or Cersei. They’re a fading

“They’re not acting like it”

Yeah, i actually kind of assumed this was the normal view of women from most of the jock and wannabe jock staff at ESPN.

I know Aiden Gillen was already on the show by this point, but I always get a kick that he was the CIA agent trying to bag Bane in the DKR prologue.

It looks so much like the cover of Dianetics. The Scientologist must be in Xenu heaven.

“If they had an option to just stream that one show”

I hope he becomes the Night Watch’s version of Joffrey.

Brad Bird complains on his Twitter a lot about trailers that give away the entire movie, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he lobbied Disney to withhold as much as possible.

The interesting thing about Brienne is that as well meaning as she is, both The Hound and Littlefinger are kinda right: If the Stark girls went with her, where would she take them? Back to Kings Landing to be protected by Jamie? Guess how that would end. To Winterfell now under Roose Bolton? Ditto. Maybe to the Wall

In S4, Melisandre made a point to to her mom (who’s name I refuse to remember) that Shireen needed to be brought to The Wall because she has a part to play in this end game. So, yes, sounds important.

Executing his Karstark Bannerman for killing the Lannister prisoners even though everyone told him not to.

I agree, this just looks like they’re throwing everything at the screen because CGI.