
Decent popcorn fare but no emotional investment? So it's Pacific Rim?

I must be the only one surprised Sansa hasn't caught on as a baby name. It's got such a good ring to it.

I'd like to see Constantine sing "Chim Chim-a-Ree"...Much like the movies, I think a network would prefer sodomy to seeing someone smoking.

Yeah, I stopped reading comics awhile ago. HELLBLAZER was one of the last titles before I "grew out" of them. Seems like I'm not missing much.

That he has an English accent already puts this a cut above the Keanu travesty. The commercial wasn't very well cut, but there seems to be promising elements. I'll never understand, though, why they keep calling it CONSTANTINE and not by HELLBLAZER, which is a catchier title.

pretty sure if you buy a girl a house and she still won't put out, saying racist stuff isn't going to seal the deal.

I guess Paul Hirsch and Richard Chew were nobodies.

Anyone remotely familiar with the creative process knows a story goes through layers of development. In a film, that process can go into the editing process. Bad and undeveloped ideas are par for the course for any movie. By your metric, Spielberg had nothing to do with CE3K because he originally envisioned the main

Yeah, he only created the whole fucking thing that YOU'RE still obsessing over decades later. Clearly he must be a hack and a loser.

Just give me Mark Hamill as the "Jedi in Winter" and he and Solo going out in a blaze of glory a la Butch and Sundance, and the Force will be strong with this one.

I got through the trailer, and it is pretty awesome content-wise, but the upload quality is its own buzzkill.

I'm the first to slam an athlete if they've broken the law, but just based on the article, I don't know what the story is here. Unless the doctors found evidence of penetration when she was brought in but she knows she didn't have sex.

HBO can't slow production down. Every show has an unimaginable amount of moving parts - GOT has probably even more. The child actors are getting older and others are starting to do movies. Dinklage has another series in active development for him to headline. Add to that keeping everyone under contracts just to wait

wasn't this called LImitless a couple of years ago?

I forget where I read this in the mass of recent publicity, but I swear I read that Benioff or Weiss was quoted as saying that they're going to skip over most of "Feast fot Crows" as it didn't deal with a lot of the characters and plots they've chosen to make the series about (I haven't read the books, so I don't know

Having seen both versions of EXORCIST: THE BEGINNING, I can attest they both pretty much sucked.

Doesn't Dany's use of magic to resurrect the dragons pretty much discount her in Varys's eyes?

I really like Ian Glain, the actor who plays Jorah. He was on the second season of Downton Abbey and was really good there, too, playing an utterly different character.

Fantastic recap. I love this show, but even I've had trouble keeping some of these details straight, especially about the Mad King. Now if someone could put together a summary of what was LEFT OUT of the books, and what was made up for the series. That would be an epic task.