
I actually find The Hound to be a much more interesting gray area character than Bronn. I mean, Bronn is rakish and all, but The Hound started the series by being Joffrey's hit man, killing a little boy. He ended season 3 basically being Sansa's rescuer, and Arya's reluctant guardian.

I personally would like to see a big budget 2+ hour finale as long as the last season was a full season. Why not have the anticipation of the climax be on a big screen (given that the next few seasons/books hold up to expectations)? My concern would be that Warners Bros. would be uneasy about releasing such a big

When you say "get goofy", I assume you meant the Big Bang part where NDT pulled out the Too Cool For School shades? I really like NDT, but I had some reservations about him taking Sagan's mantle (though, he is an obvious choice given his ubiquity in pop culture today). One of Sagan's selling point was his earnestness

I agree with you 100% about Wolf, but I just assumed this whole article was about hateful snark, and it sounded like the only thing the writer could come up with for that movie. The movie that painted shitbags in "shades of gray" was Hustle.

I came a little later to this show than most of its fans, but I couldn't be happier. I'm utterly hooked on the goings on at Westeros.

But will it have Sagain

Meh- this year it's "Gravity and the four films that's going to lose to Gravity".

But it was shared on io9....

One also has to believe he didn't make THAT much on Star Wars. I know Lucas gave everyone points after the fact, and I'm sure that set him up for awhile, but was it enough for life? Whatever he makes doing conventions probably is just enough to live on in a very modest way.

Speed Racer really is awful but I could pretty much say that about every Waschowski movie since Matrix 1.

My exact reaction to this trilogy. Verbinski, or whoever was in charge, really blew it when they took a fun, lighthearted movie and tried to turn it into something akin to King Arthur/Lord of the Rings in complexity and density. By the third one, the whole thing just didn't make any goddamn sense anymore.

So you're deciding to pass on a movie that hasn't even started filming yet based on unsubstantiated internet rumors? Mmmmm....kay. One less person in line, I guess.

Isn't this similar to what Melville did with Moby Dick? People go into that book thinking its going to just be a haunting epic about obsession and revenge, then they get 10 pages on what's inside a whale's intestine.

I remember walking out and saying to a friend, "I'll bet her personal trainer gets a lot of new clients after this."

I loved the travel docs Palin did with BBC. Really his second career. He did Around the World with cameos by Terry Jones and Gilliam, so I'll nominate that.

I haven't seen Don Jon, so I'll reserve judgement on JGL's directing chops, but I just see him as too grounded an actor to play Sandman. It would be like Tom Hanks being asked to play something ethereal. I know on his Twitter, JGL says it's only a producing deal "for now", so obviously there's other things in the