I was legit worried about Drew when I heard what happened. I had too hoped that he would write in the way that Drew does about this.
I was legit worried about Drew when I heard what happened. I had too hoped that he would write in the way that Drew does about this.
Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.
Over the last five seasons, the Pelicans have lost the second-most games due to injury or illness. Only the Sixers have fared worse
Yeah....definitely not playoff level. They’d probably get beat like 30-3 or some shit. Thank god we weren’t subjected to that.
If I find out this is just his way of carrying Lou Keemia in a main event match...
So, hypothetical here, if Chapman throws 103 into Bartolo Colon’s gut...would it just absorb in the ball, never to be seen again? Would it rebound back at Chapman faster than it came in? Would it just die instantly, all force dissipated like Cap’s shield? Where is Sports Science when we really need them?
As a Navy officer who lives in North Carolina:
Curry off the bench is dangerous. Take it from me, a guy who once ate some curry I found on a bench.
The chances that that last letter writer was a “71 year old grandmother of four” are about the same as me writing in Kim Jung Un for president in 2020.
If you’ve consumed even a tiny bit of sports media in the past few years, you’ve no doubt come across a particular…
When ESPN eventually loses the NFL they should replace it with tRUMP vs Mayweather in a mano y mano battle over who can read a Dr. Seuss book from cover to cover. With all proceeds going to the which ever strip club the winner chooses.
What if the show is 30 minutes of Bomani calling Pablo out for his self-important ramblings? If the show promised to have Bomani say “Fuck you, no one cares,” every time Pablo mentions he went to Harvard I will watch every episode.
I’ll agree with you there. I’m a season ticket holder, AND I EVEN LIVE IN THE WHITE SUBURBS. They can protest all they want, stuff like the Castille killing is awful and should be protested.
As a Saints fan in Chicago, I am murdered twice daily.
In all fairness, this idiot is most likely one of the most intelligent people to ever come out of Morgan City. Hell, he may actually be able to read this article without help.
Maybe if they get an inflatable banana, he will come back.
Guys, I’m beginning to think Doc didn’t go to medical school.