
Exactly. Just because it can go on, doesn't mean it fits. So I don't wear it. If we have one that fits, great, I wear that instead. But I am not going to wear one that doesn't fit just to have sex that is made bad by a condom not fitting.

I equate it to a bra. Sure, you may be able to get it on you, but if it is far too tight, it will suck to have it. And being horrible uncomfortable during sex defeats the purpose of sex. So, I just don't have sex.

Yeah, no, if it is too tight, sex is bad. Nothing here stops me from saying I am too big for condoms.

I set my thermostat at 59 degrees Fahrenheit, because I am the homeowner and I pay the bills. I will be the comfortable one!

Why do you think everyone is always pursuing the Holy Grail?

Everyone on here saying that "Jesus turned into a zombie anyway, LOL" is incredibly offensive. Jesus, upon Resurrection, was not a zombie. His command of speech and mastery of arcane powers means that he was a LICH.

Which one of the Wayans brothers is playing Iggy Azalea?

So, the Keep doesn't actually let me change things? I never played 2, but I want to do something other than the default, how can I change them?

Is there a way we could change 2 and 3 into actual RPGs like 1 was?

National Men Make Dinner Day is celebrated every time I happen to get home first. Thank the gods I took all those cookery classes.

Ramin Karimloo is probably my number one man-crush, we need him to do things.

Does Fairy Tale of New York count as a Christmas song? Is Nightmare Before Christmas a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie? We need to know.

How am I supposed to play Strip CoD now?

Can this dock with the male version for safe-ish sex?

I need this for all my Warhammers.

Thank you for that.

The internet has failed me, I cannot purchase that as a bath robe.

I would love to see a video that examines what happens to you when you are shot at while hiding behind a car door and other things that video games and movies consider cover. Hint, you get hit by bullets that traveled through the thing you are hiding behind!

Video game journalism is pretty much the stupidest and most unimportant thing to worry about. Your toys just do not matter that much.

I am incredibly sad that they didn't let Lena Headey's beautiful tattoos shine. I think that would have been hilarious to see. Cersei drops the robe and BAM! So much good ink.