
There was more than enough space for him to move over. He’s like most people in the left lane... “Oh, look, there’s a car 1/4 a mile up that I’m going to pass in 5 minutes. I’ll stay in the left lane.”

So driving slower than traffic wants to go in the left lane is safe?

Move over to where you’re supposed to be and this wouldn’t be an issue.


Volkswagen AG made over $12bil in operating profit last year. With the typical installment plans, this will have little impact on operations. What will happen is workers will get shit on by upper managements decisions, as usual. Workforce will be cut and people will be asked to do more for less.

This is old but I would like to point out... if we go to war with China, I think the least of our worries would be our retirement accounts or the stock market...

This is why you’re not in command.

I wonder if you’re the same person bitching about national debt. While $1.1 billion might be a drop in the bucket compared to the housing market disaster, it’s pointing towards unhealthy trends. That the “Great Recession” taught us nothing. This, by the way, was the same response most people who were pointing out the

It’s worked for Porsche.

I don’t think you’ll ever convince anyone Cadillac XYZ is better than BMW or Merc. You’re seeing that with the current offerings. ATS and CTS have been heralded as the best driving cars of their segments. That doesn’t drive sales. People are far more worried about having symbol on their hood.

I don’t understand how that doesn’t make you competitive. I mean, the CTS was a tweener for how long? That didn’t seem to hurt it.

Why? Why does it have to fit the cookie cutter German line up? I think it’s quite smart of them. Basically the same size as a S-class (2 inches in wheelbase is nothing) with the weight, driving dynamics, and (the biggest one) price of an E-class. Everyone talks about differentiating themselves from the German’s. You

I’m more of the “I think there is one governing body for the world as a whole.” You hear some crazy shit about the Rothschild family way back when basically being the riches family the world has ever seen. I could totally see a family like that owning the whole world and letting the small people play in it.

Ahhhh what?????

Bet it took you all morning to think of that one. Maybe you should head back to the drawing board. Tomorrow is a new day.

I hope your computer starts you on fire.

Haha I enjoy Cardinal fans. Do well one year and get all tough.

Nice job trying to turn this into a political conversation and personal attacks. Kudos. I’ll take that as an “I can’t dispute that” and “I’m conceding.”

Please explain how you came to any of those conclusions from my last statement.