Same! I’m 41, and I was so so confused as a kid reading those passages.
Same! I’m 41, and I was so so confused as a kid reading those passages.
A couple years ago, I hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. It’s three full days of 10-12 hours of hiking before you get to Machu Picchu. At best you can get the ole hole-in-the ground in a little lean-to at a campsite, at worst, you’re squatting over mid-trail in front of God and man.
Well. Played! Thank you for this.
Right? I mean, I would get it (MAYBE) if there were a little more ambiguity in the Wolves, but like you say, they were straight up murdering people in the streets. And Morgan thinks a zen speech to them will cause them to up and change their ways instead of going straight out and murdering more people? It just makes…
Morgan’s whole storyline this year is killing me. One, it’s a repeat of Tyreese’s storyline (refuses to kill anymore) and is just as dumb as Tyreese’s was (Tyreese refusing to kill a guy who was planning to strangle a baby; Morgan refusing to kill a bunch of people who burst into a peaceful settlement to burn/kill…
I read this earlier today on WaPo and some of the details (if accurate) are bizarre.…. For example, the murderer confessed multiple times to the mother but she either didn’t report it to the police or the police didn’t take it seriously? Ultimately it takes him reporting…
Isn’t part of the disconnect here the whole female v. male/woman v. man thing? Meaning, the difference between biological sex and societal gender? Fox seems to be saying it’s all the same thing: “...So of course then I fall into the male category. Then I am the one that needs to be fought against. Which is exactly why…
Did they explain the difference between identifying as “transgender” versus “transsexual?” I’m curious if it was just semantics or whether there was a difference in self-identity, etc.
I am both loving and hating this. Loving this, because obvi the news is fantastic. Hating it because I feel like my head is going to explode reading all the butt-hurt bigoted nonsense on my reaction of my FB feed. If one more idiot I am distantly related to writes that this is “unconstitutional,” I am going to stroke…
In college, I was in LOVE with this dude two years older who was frat brothers with one of my good platonic friends. My love burned so bright, up to and including the only time we ever talked, which happened when I passed him walking down the stairs at the frat house, and he said “What’s up, NotJoeyLee3?” I should…
When I was a wee little JoeyLee3, I was a waitress at Chi-Chi’s. It was super intimidating for a nerd introvert: I was the youngest one there, the only one still in high school, a nerd, an introvert, etc. So the other servers pretty much ignored me, and although I was in Spanish 4, I couldn’t understand any of the…
I’m still confused. Google Images produces everything from what looks like a long broom handle, to snowboards, to tampon wrappers, to a man with a face full of push pins.
omg, I just reread the entire series as well, and was also amazed that my mother let me get away with my fumbling attempts at subterfuge in hiding I was reading these at the tender age of, like, 12.
Totally agree. And it's to the point now that I don't care anymore. So Morgan is eventually going to catch up with them? So what. He'll be welcomed back into the group with open arms? His arrival means they can get rid of another black character (Noah probs)? I don't care anymore!
Are you following the whole "Team Delusional" movement on Tumblr/Twitter that believes that Beth is actually still alive, is going to be found by Morgan, and will eventually be reunited with the Group and, most importantly, Daryl? It's freaking fascinating.
Okay, you guys have inspired me to reread all my old Pikes (a fantastic experience for many reasons), and I JUST re-read this one last night. You know what I could NOT get over? The whole "Chad's Ring" subplot whereby Ann warned Sharon that Chad was the killer by leaving her the ring that they secretly called…
I JUST finished reading that entire site last night. She was hilarious and I pretty much remembered every book she reviewed even tho it's been like 25 years. I wish the blog was still active!
Right out of college, I had an epic night out with friends that featured alcohol pouring from the walls like the blood bath in the fricking Shining. I had to wake up relatively early the next morning and by that, I mean, like 10:30 am (sucks not being 23 anymore) because I had to take my parents' dog to PetSmart to…