
Yes! I just wrote the same thing below. Those were some of my favorite jeans, dammit!

When I was in college, I lived with five girls in a little house. Our (male) Lhasa Apso was insane. Not only did he routinely eat the crotches out of any underwear he happened to find (and he could find it if it were anyplace other than a closed dresser drawer), but he ATE THE CROTCHES OUT OF MY JEANS. TWICE. Man,

If I understand correctly, the OP(female)'s Wife was being texted by Wife's Boss, even though Boss had just recently gotten married to Boss's Wife, at which wedding OP was a bridesmaid. Boss's Wife found out on honeymoon and texted the exchange to OP. OP can correct me if I'm wrong tho!!

Damn, that is horrible. I'm sorry. So did the boss and boss's wife cut the honeymoon short?? That's hard to come back from!

THANK YOU! Everyone I tell is all, "Aw, he's so cute and sweet," and up til now I've stood alone all, "I've seen the face of Evil."

omg. This totally happened to me once at Champps (come try our wings!) where I was waitressing to make extra money in school. I come zipping around the corner with my Arnold Palmers and cheese sticks all balanced on my little tray and this couple have their baby perched on the chair, no clothing of any kind on his

This is bizarre and stupid. I lost my dad last year to ALS. It is a truly horrible disease. He went from a 5K-running uber sportsman to sitting on a chair all day with a ventilator and a feeding tube in 5 months. But I think that's why ALS (besides being rare) doesn't get the same type of press/publicity. It's


I know! The balls on him! He just sits there and stares in at me, taunting me. Then I come out the next morning, every morning, to a fresh set of 5 holes he's dug all over the flower bed. He must have a freaking underground kingdom going on down there by now.

Yup, you're probably right. Unfortunately, all I have is a fat little dog who sits on the other side of the glass and howls at the little bastard 20 times a day while he stares back in with glee.

Right??? He was so serious about it too. I was milling around the pesticide aisle trying to figure out something I hadn't tried before when I saw him. I tell him the problem, and he's like "Oh no, you need to pour gas down there and light it on fire." I'm like, um, well, this flower bed is right next to the house

I forgot: here's a picture of the little bastard. I'm about a foot away, on the other side of the glass front door. Look at his evil little eyes!

So two years ago I was locked in an epic struggle with a chipmunk who made his home in my front flowerbed (I use that term loosely as my tiny tiny townhouse supports an even tinier yard). His second favorite thing to do was dig tunnels throughout the flowerbed and rip shit up. His favorite thing to do was fuck with


You are fantastic. Was there any fallout from your husband/his family?

No idea, but you're so right. It's like something about the combo of Martin F. and Benedict C. makes people lose their collective shit in trying to put them together in different ways. Now I'm really tempted to link you to the one where Omega Watson gets pregnant from his spouse, Prince "Alpha" Sherlock and gives

Seriously, right there with you. I've read one story in a fandom I follow and loved the author so much that I'm reading obscure stories he/she wrote from like 7 years ago in a show that I've never even heard of. But even THINK about writing about mpreg/knotting/Omega = JoeyLee Out. You do you, Fanfiction Writer,

I'm sorry. On the other hand, I need other people to know about this for the support network.

YES! Do not understand at all. Or why the "mpreg" always has to go into some frothing, writhing "heat" in order for this to happen.

Right?? I'm fascinated by this too. From what I can tell, it's overwhelmingly written by women. And it seems to push the "Omega" (dear God, brain bleach is going to be needed after I hit "publish" on this one) into the traditional female role: subordinate, goes into "heat"/ovulation, capable of giving birth, etc.