Joel Rubin

I'm very glad these are becoming something beautiful to look at. One of the biggest issues with replacement limbs has been, from friend who have artificial limbs, is the asymmetry, and the mis-balanced bare-bones look.

I don't buy the "dedicated device" argument either. Phones might do many things... alright, but phones never excel at something a dedicated device does.

I never said ALL PC gamers are assholes, I said that there was no way to take what he said without him coming off as an asshole.

Openness. Yes, I recall hearing that "openness" was the only thing any gamer cared for, ever. Because every single gamer wants the same thing. That's why we have only one games platform oh wait...


Yes, your PC can play new releases. Mainly because of the restraint practiced and optimizations learned for making games for consoles.

So how many "gaps" would there need to be? Would a ring broken in just two places like parentheses ( ) still work?

You guys remember that wheezing, asthmatic rhino that was always trailing a few hundred feet behind the rest of the herd rampaging through Jumanji? That pathetic punchline of a beast?

Consoles aren't going away, not with hundreds of millions of them sold so far—and tens of millions of the current install base.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've made this point many times—the problem is gamers who have good internet (and devs who live in large cities with T1 connections) don't understand that broadband is far from ubiquitous, and making games dependent on this type of connection excludes a huge chunk of their customers.

Well, Nintendo did say they wanted the focus to be on the controller, not on the console. Seems it's working.

Me too, though I kinda dig the Thor variant too.

Same thing here—I watched both vids, full-screen, a few times each, and only saw black-and-white.

But, again, what is it about the solidity that does this?

See, that's what I don't get—at what point does something become "too solid" to drift like that?


She also directed Strange Days, which is an amazing film in its own right.

"Useful as a brake" is a good way to put it.

Okay—then we agree.

Well it's kind of hard to speak in absolutes ("is a common myth", "is utterly false") when you're not talking in a universal sense.