Holy Devil May Cry, Dante!
Holy Devil May Cry, Dante!
Mass, acceleration, inertia.
I think Kojima needs to learn the lesson Uwe Boll did—you can't do everything.
Well, my wife grew up in complete infatuation with this show and the Addams Family, and when she found the cast list today I heard a lot of cursing and howling from her office—she's really, really not happy with their choices. And she LIKES Jerry O'Connell—but not in this role.
Well if that was the point, Kojima completely failed in getting that point across.
No one is horrified that nature adapted. They are worried that what we fucked up is accelerating. Also, no one is advocating "the only nature that is good is stable nature". The only simple-mindedness has been in the reaction to this story, not the story itself.
I sincerely detest the games, but Michael Ironside was the only good memory I have of them.
You suggested flora in the tundras to be "major winners" due to climate change, as if this was a net positive, suggesting you yourself are thinking "well, aren't trees good though?".
Oh my god.
Answer: Several.
Most MMOs have crappy, floaty, boring "wait for the ability to cooldown then hit a button" "combat"—so, very very many games do not have "visceral" combat. More feels like swinging a straw at mobs than a weapon.
I still think the "La-li-lu-le-lo" is hands-down the most idiotic organization name ever conceived—that Kojima got it all the way through to a finished game, much less one that takes itself so seriously, and was not mocked derisively about it, is seriously disturbing.
Again, they were also used to fighting wars where they stood at distance and fired whilst standing still—and their opponents did as well. It was their inflexibility, in large part, that cost them the war—quick, unpredictable enemies that don't behave in any way they're used to would have definitely given them pause.
He also had zero integrity, was a thief, and an utter asshole, who tortured and mutilated animals for personal gain, stole patents and inventions from dozens of people, and stood in the way of any progress he couldn't personally profit from.
It's because they don't have one stable of artists—they frequently go out and scout new talent. In fact, I think any interested artist can submit art.
You've clearly not played the game
My god, that music was simply stunning. Just... wow.
The comments on this article are making me lose faith in the rationality and intelligence of io9 commentors.
Deforestation on the equator is damaging because it destroys thousands of species every decade, and because these trees are huge and generate a lot of oxygen and recycle a lot of CO2. When it's done, the albedo of the region stays about the same—so not much more light is reflected back than before.
Light comes down, bounces back, and leaves again. A tiny bit might be scattered/absorbed in the atmosphere and "absorbed", but it's mostly back out to space.