My friend's cat Shannon does this to her—but not for treats, just because she's disturbingly affectionate towards her.
My friend's cat Shannon does this to her—but not for treats, just because she's disturbingly affectionate towards her.
I agree—but at the same time, if this brouhaha and ratings bombs over the DRM and the Errors and such causes a steep drop-off in sales, I think that will talk as well.
Dee Brown: Do you think—maybe, just maybe—your golden relationship with Activision now has anything to do with the incredible hammering their public image took after Guitar Hero/Harmonix, the Tony Hawk bullshit, the Infinity Ward bullshit, and many, many other screwups?
"obviously D3 isnt "multiplayer optional" because you have to play online with it"
But if you don't buy the game, then Blizzard apologists would insist you don't have a right to complain about it. So you can't protest if you have bought it without hearing "but you already gave them money!", and you can't protest if you haven't bought it without hearing "you didn't pay, you don't have the right to…
And how does that help the hundreds of thousand of people who bought the game at launch? It's not like they could have known the connectivity errors would take place. What recourse do they have then? Simple—they put forth their experience with the product. In the form of a review.
"multiplayer optional" isn't a multiplayer game.
Okay, that I didn't know. I apologize for arguing without the facts. And for hitting "reply" before reaching the end.
No, it really wasn't. And the game was profitable enough—but wasting all that money to make an MMO wasn't.
That thought experiment took into account that Chafee should have had a board member as a condition of the loan. Had that happened, not only would they have known far earlier there was trouble, but he wouldn't have seemed clueless. The problem was not in the press conference, but in the lack of oversight and of…
Promoted for proper capitalization
I don't think I could play this game without a slider to turn the boob physics down. They don't move like boobs so much as jell-o in fast-forward.
I think considering how tiny a fraction of the cost is actually from Foxconn, a raise in prices would be negligible.
Except that it doesn't happen.
Using Coke is how you make the non-alcoholic version of Beereal.
In Germany, at least when I was learning it in middle school (and my teacher's German wife would bring over VCR recordings), they play the full 40-minute show, then have a block of 20 minutes of advertisements.
You know what? Ignore the "10". Make it fifty. Same story?
Oh, so you're thinking only part of the arch is unburied. Would explain the wrongness of the curvature if it were only the top half. Still, there are very many tall buildings nearby, and several rather sturdy bridge pylons/towers.
SMS alerts sent to your phone to confirm any changes? I don't know what they're called—that's what I assumed that was. Anyway, i'm just posting the links to where actual players discuss these things—i might have the name wrong. Sorry.
Well, I read through a few pages of these linked articles' comments before submitting them to, and there were a few folks who insisted they had authenticators on and were hacked. A few also mention doing full clean installs of their PCs before installing Diablo and getting hacked immediately after,…