Joel Rubin

From discussions on [] and blizzard forums, many people who have been hacked have not had viruses or malware present, and had not replied to any phishing spam, and several had the SMS authentication services set up—and none of that stopped it. One person even mentions their whole clan switched SMS

Damn, man. Just damn. That metaphor is literally perfect.

The key word is "again". People want to watch The Sixth Sense again to catch what they missed the first time. They probably don't want to know what to look for before they even start.

Two purposes to this reply:

The twist, or what is most often spoiled, is usually a huge moment. Either a joke, or a shock, or a gasp, or a mindfuck. Having those work correctly takes timing and momentum—and knowing the outcome afterwards feels hollow, and off-beat—like an orgasm cut short by an accident or a startle or a sneeze.

What the hell was wrong with Mirror, Mirror?

"Dark Fantasy" is not the same thing as "Fantasy/Horror". Pan's Labyrinth was most definitely the latter, and a stomach-churning one at that.

I see it if I glance quickly at it, or nearby—but when I look directly at a bar I see a solid color.

So wait—every huge-ass building in St Louis is wiped out, but the Arch still stands?

Cyriaque... Don't tell anybody, but I have 17 DarkHawk comics still, and full well knowing they were terrible, I adored them too.


Would it really take more processing power? It would seem that simply ensuring object A doesn't phase through object B would be entirely pre-development, and "rendering" it would be no more intensive than otherwise—it would just be that this hand won't pass through this shoulder because the coordinates of its location

lol, no. Obviously that would speed things up immensely. But even on an HDD, when I first install Windows 7, it boots in half a minute. Now it's up to 120+ seconds (that is, before I can open an app and not see a "waiting" cursor".

I guess here's the biggest takeaway—if Blizzard announces a full offline-only option, I'd go buy the game tomorrow. I simply have too spotty of an internet service to deal with this crap—and there are zero alternatives in my area.

D2 also does not require always-online authentication to even run, does it?

I'm sorry, but I have to ask—when you want to boot this thing up in ten years' time and play again, will you still feel the same way?

So, the judge shot down their testimony on why certain damages were valid, then threw a tantrum that their non-verified damage estimates (probably tallied through some other means that they had to use because of the judge's own decision) wasn't delivered in a "timely manner"?

Well damn.

Wouldn't that simply take better planning, I should think having a final phase after all the basic animation is done to make sure it gels together wouldn't be that difficult.

It was a few months ago. I wound up having basically the same argument on three sites—Kotaku, Gawker, and here, about my troubles with weight and the extremes I've tried to no avail. Finding the specific mention here would take hours of poring through my comment history, or luck—but the second article I clicked on at