Joel Rubin

Well, more along the lines of "what do video games have anything to do with the health of gamers". Gawker's fashion, Deadspin's sports, Jalopnik is... manly men and manly men cars, etc. Kotaku isn't held to a higher standard—just seems the least likely place for it to have come up.

Well thank you!

1) I adore animated talks like this

Yeah, I'll be impressed if it still boots in 7 seconds after six months of regular use.



I think "lookalike" is a bit of a stretch. More like "In Lara Croft outfits".

Well, that too—but in these high-profile cases, most often the monetary amount alone is insanely high. I just find it interesting that the amount they are suing for is almost exactly what they're owed. It supports the idea that maybe their other requests, and the lawsuit itself, aren't superfluous or excessive, but

So... the grand total of money due to them, which they didn't get, is $33.8 million. And they're only suing for $36 million, plus lawyer fees.

150+ GB of tunes.

Promoted for the tag alone, and because I have had the same thing happen to me as a bonus.

As cute as this is, I don't think I'll be trying any more LEGO games until the "build things" parts actually have you building something with the blocks. Just holding one button does nothing for me.

People are referring to everything but the look, sound, and story of WoW when the say WoW clone.

This is all opinion, though. I, for one, cannot stand Skyrim, had Oblivion for a year and only put 6 hours into it, and quit halfway through Morrowind. I found Amalur much more enjoyable than any Elder Scrolls game. The lore and backstory were amazing, and the voice acting was incredible, and people you talk to do not

In Reckoning's defense, I will point out that the experience of the game is entirely different—much better/more varied dialogue and much more intuitive/fast-paced combat with much more focus on action.

The point was not "is this guy obscure or not" or "what is the definition of obscure", the point was "why even bring up something a not-famous-for-games-for-twenty-years person has to say about gay marriage if you're going to refuse to make a statement about it?

Dude, he made four games twenty years ago, that were never released outside Japan. And nothing since. That's obscure.

Tolerance can tolerate everything—but not interolerance.

No, I think that counts as "obscure".

So you think racism isn't wrong?