It makes me think less of "boobs" and more of "jell-o". But your analogy works too.
It makes me think less of "boobs" and more of "jell-o". But your analogy works too.
Because though 55+% of people (in the US per recent polls) support gay marriage, it's still in debate legally, and most news places are more concerned with "seeming impartial" than taking a stand. To state "it's wrong" is to make a moral judgement, and to be marginalized as "Liberal" or "Leftist". It's a stupid…
Well, also standing up quickly from bending nearly 90° at the waist. Still, though, the do bob about like cheeks in a wind tunnel viewed in high-speed.
You just spray one-line insulting and dismissive replies like a dog sprays trees, don't you? It's telling when you have to read three pages in to someone's comment history to see one that makes any statement whatsoever.
Fair enough, please feel free to ignore everything after "EDIT:"
Wow, you're right. []
Wow, you are such a pathetic, condescending little troll, John Scalzi.
Dude, are you listening to yourself?
It's a negative racial stereotype, the only difference is this one, and only this one, is defended as valid. It can, and has, been used as a reason to hate and judge people not for who they are, what they do, what they believe, or how hard they fight for equality, but for their race.
"Even the wind’s burden held a peculiar strain of conscious malignity; and for a second it seemed that the composite sound included a bizarre musical whistling or piping over a wide range as the blast swept in and out of the omnipresent and resonant cave mouths. There was a cloudy note of reminiscent repulsion in this…
Compared to all the food people throw out or waste, or get tossed because they don't sell in time, this is an infinitesimally small amount.
It's not a "key part" of the game. No one I knew who adored Diablo II loved it because of the online components—none. Sure, some thought it was cool—but no one thought it was essential. Going online to buy and sell loot is completely non-essential to the enjoyment of the game style. You cannot say "the series"…
Wow. I hadn't seen that. I take it this came out around the same time they made Dr Light speak with the inability to say "L" or "R" and as if he ate paint in his spare time.
They can still have the online auction house and still offer an offline-only play mode.
And that's fine. You don't have to agree with me—your experience may be far different (I spent half my life mostly in the rural Midwest, where if you're not a Haslag or a Miller or a King or a Fowler (or whatever the reigning families are in the area), you're as much an outsider as anyone with a "foreign" name).
You have no concept of how this works, at all.
Man, I wish I could find it. It was buried in a story on Gawker: A one-line reply to someone else, "Your white privilege is showing".
It's not an RPG, I feel I need to mention the final line before Dante fights Mundus in Devil May Cry 1: the absolute worst line in all of gaming history. The line is supposed to be (clunky as it is): "I should have been the one to fill her dark soul with LIGHT!!". Only it sounds like the voice actor hit tubo-charged…
My problem with the article is the pedantic phrasing, as if gamers are too stupid to understand his other articles.
In other news, the extreme dearth of white MVP Basketball players is clear indication of anti-white racism in the NBA. "The privilege in those figures in blindingly obvious to anyone with half a brain."