It's the little touches, like the "outside the club" music when you're far away from the skid loader, that make it so good.
It's the little touches, like the "outside the club" music when you're far away from the skid loader, that make it so good.
Hey now, don't make it a negative. Make it a nerd badge—your computer could do with a few new Jigs of RAM, etc. The looks of confusion will be lovely, even more so if you never explain it to them.
...isn't that what you were doing?
No, he didn't bother to actually play it—he just pointed at someone else who had, and didn't like it, as validation. He's still too lazy and condescending a useless fuck-wit to actually waste his own invaluable time on such offal.
Producers probably have very little to do with what DLC is released, and when. Style, aesthetics, unique traits, are all parts of design (what "production" is). Marketing and deciding if and when DLC is released is none of that—it's most often driven by money and the publisher.
Our second pregnancy, the fetus was non-viable—no heartbeat or brain. Just having it removed my wife was depressed and suicidal for weeks. I can't think of what it would have done to her to make her keep it inside her for weeks on end, then actually see it when it came out. I'd probably be a widower.
"Calling someone who runs their own businesses [being obnoxious, vapid, and famous, professionally], is a part of a successful TV show [about being obnoxious, vapid, and famous], produces [same], writes [we all have journals, honey], designs [sticks their logo on someone else's design], and creates [you had the…
I don't see it, and I hear him continue to talk. Maybe we're not watching the same video.
*Serpent of Fire lives in a world where microphones can pick up sounds from the wrong angle and at a distance*
"Internet comedian Francis, who by now has his nerd shtick almost perfected..."
Might be worth paying attention to the height of the camera—in the last shot the camera is higher up than the second, and farther forward and higher up than the first.
Any kid of mine who shrieked like that at me or my wife would quickly wind up game-less. As in I will take the disc out of the tray and snap it in half in front of him. Less severe? I'd just pull the power on the modem/router.
You wanna know something trippy? Doc Brown says the "giga-" prefix correctly—it was standardized in the time the film was made/placed as "jigga-", as that's the Greek word it came from.
I don't really think you could do the Hulk without flexing and roaring—it's very primal, very reflective of nature and shows of dominance: it's what the Hulk is. Efficient, stealthy, quick, these are not the way of the hulk-Jedi.
I don't actually know, but how much does a small nuclear power plant generate?
Install base. There weren't nearly the number of consoles in the 80s, so there was a much smaller pool of customers. Now, games are widespread, with more than half the households in the US owning one current console. So a game can sell ten, twenty, or a hundred times the number they could have in the 80s, and cost…
He typically likes movies I think are absolute turds, and hates movies I adore. I ignore what Ebert thinks about movies too, I could give less than a crap what he feels about games.
Been mentioned below.
"You're not a producer". Right. You're just the folks who notice all the little and big flaws a producer is supposed to notice before a game is released.