Joel Rubin

If it's designed from the get-go, and if a tiny fraction of profits are dedicated to it, backwards compatibility is extremely cheap in the long run. Don't believe it's all that expensive—the line Sony fed us, that PS2 emulation on the PS3 was so expensive, was a flat-out lie. Jack Tretton admitted to his shareholders

That music was really, really well-written. It makes me want to go out and punch a Nazi or something sort of heroic.

You mean this one?

...yet you completely miss the fact that it means you'll be shelving all the games you currently own.

Thank you, Internet Grandmother, for putting me in my place.

I kind of feel you can do your own research—I gave you full names. You can do some of your own work on that. Type their names into Google, and find out for yourself.

Yeah, and you know what? Consoles just last and last and last! I can't imagine one ever failing, or overheating, or burning out, or having a drive or component go bad. I bet that never happens. I bet the 360 I have now will simply last for years and years with no problems.

It had motherfucking better have a disc drive.

Do you know the history of that picture? It's not just some schmuck being executed. The man holding the gun is Brigadier General Nguyễn Ngọc Loan of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. The man getting shot is Nguyễn Văn Lém, who was not at all a nice person:

Pretty much exactly what I was thinking. I read most of Larry Niven's books over the course of one summer when I was 16—well, all the books of his my father owned by that time, anyway (about 40 or so, I forget)—All the Myriad Ways was the one story that I read several times. It was really chilling and intriguing at

I'm impressed. Not only is the animation exceptionally well done, both characters are adorable, I found myself grinning, and I actually laughed out loud at the last part.

"Because really, how many other games make the art of graffiti a core concept?"

It's one of the reasons I hate online-only achievements. I adore Dark Sector, but almost half it's trophies/achievements are for its sub-par online multiplayer no one plays.

This is also just a step in the right direction. I'm certain that, if this becomes a standard tool, it will become more robust. It doesn't need to be perfect right out the gate: just better.

I imagine these folks would ask a lot less than nvidia does. Also, as I stated, this tech demo only shows one person at a time. The subject of the article shows several at once.

It does not need to be, nor should it be, all or nothing.

Already exists, yes. Available, no. You'll notice that's running off of nVidia apex, and probably on a very powerful PC. As opposed to the subject of the article, which is running two dozen characters on a 360 with plenty of power to spare.

Or Hair Helmets passing straight through the shoulders, or Ezio's white-clad arm swinging up through his cloak on every step of his run animation, or his cape phasing through his sword hilt on his hip, etc, etc. I won't get you started, but I'm glad I'm not the only one this bothers to no end.

I've been saying this for years—higher resolution, better textures, more polygons, more FPS, better visual flair is absolutely worthless if the basic physics don't work (hair, cloth, clipping, etc).

Okay, yeah, Wrex could be dead too. So that means the only character who doesn't have a chance of dying is... Liara.