Joel Rubin

"Producer" is the person who ensures all the different groups, teams, and people communicate and work together—and the person animating Ezios run obviously wasn't working with the person animating the cape, or this wouldn't have happened. The buildings, the fighting, the clothing design and textures were all great—but

Like a turtle: slow, smooth, unrelenting. And it's very hard to break yourself if you're pacing yourself.

So, can my FemShep finally get with Tali? She's been holding out for her. She just seems to fit best with her. And if she's not an option in ME3, well she's just gonna be celibate to the end. And I'm gonna be irked.

I don't think you realize—his left elbow, wearing bright white, swung up through his dark-colored (and gorgeous) cape, on every upswing, every stride of his main running animation. Which you are doing for approximately 98% of the game.

"How do you create characters that people care about?"

Generic? Probably not. Done to goddamn death? Definitely.

New engine with hyped this and that and whatsits galore... but if his arm pokes through his cloak, his weapons stick through his clothing and the ground, and his hair passes ghost-helmet-like through his shoulders, I won't care.

Your last sentence, Doug: It was fabulous.

I liked that he was "kind of a jerk". I liked not playing the same shiny good guy or gritty-only-on-the-surface "antihero". He was an unreliable narrator, and a douche, and that dissonance with what we would consider a normal set of morals was a big set-up for the plot.

If you only got through five minutes, you never played enough of the game to say that it "felt like" something.

I chortled at the MGS one. Very well done, all of them!

I really was impressive. I waited to buy it until it was $20, but when I sat down to play it I played the whole thing through for about 13 hours, re-starting on a higher difficulty. When my friend couldn't beat Deadpool at the end and handed the controller to me, I managed it—and was sorely tempted to just keep

Wasn't the issue in many of them just really cheap thermal paste between the processor and the heat sink? I recall being told that by a few folks.

I honestly can't believe you're still on about this.

You use guns and aim down sights and inflict more damage by hitting critical targets and take cover and "reload"—it's a shooter, at least in part. Maybe that's not all it was, but first-person shooting made up a huge chunk of the gameplay—and it was broken.

Oh, I didn't get "regret" or "guilt" out of that, more "huhuh, coool...".

I love Brom. I was so upset when James Clemons' Wit'ch War series book #3 came out and the fabulous cover work by Brom was missing—they went with Alan Pollack for the third, and "Black Sheep" for the fourth and fifth.

The answer to that question is two words: Joss Whedon.

When I put a sniper crosshairs over something, it dies. In a shooter, that's a must. In ME2, that happens. In ME1... not so much.

Top tip: Stop getting on the internet if you don't like differing opinions. Moaning about it isn't going to change it.