Yeah but all that stuff takes paper man—what, do you think paper just grows on trees? Sheesh...
Yeah but all that stuff takes paper man—what, do you think paper just grows on trees? Sheesh...
"Re-buying". That's the issue right there.
See, I couldn't do that. I don't think what makes my kitten adorable is DNA, I think it's personality, how she was raised, and (about the only element of spirituality I believe in) the "spark" that's unique.
Dogs, cats, and parrots for me. But maybe only with injections every year or so—that way strays don't become immortal.
That sounds an awful lot like backwards compatibility. Sony has decided you're not supposed to like or want backwards compatibility. They will, though, most likely offer you the chance to re-purchase your PS3 games in a Vita-friendly format—for a fee, of course!
I think we should just hi-five and enter all discussions as a team, as it's uncanny how often I agree with every word you say.
I'll repeat what I put on the io9 site, what with the working video:
Final Fantasy: 1987-2012. 25 years, 5 console generations.
You sum up pretty much how I feel about Pulp Fiction—it's a useless excuse for violence porn, and made when Tarantino was just starting to dive into more a more hokey style of writing. Pulp Fiction is not as good as you, and many folk, seem to imply.
I will be extremely disappointed if that's the case. The male VO actor for Tali just didn't seem to fit—similar lines, but the way the lines were read implied a different point of view behind them—he never seemed like he'd work with Tali.
Pulp Fiction:
Oh, my gawd. Do want!
Oh, I'd love to play Just Jack Saves the World. I was just pointing out that a gay Shep doesn't mean a flaming gay Shep.
No Tali, which rather pissed me off. Most of the dialogue tree is there, it just... stops.
gay =/= effeminate
From Dust. /thread
They did a study about this a year or so back, and the local news was harping on it—but the study only measured movement in the lower legs, and explicitly ignored arm movements. You know, exactly what would be different with motion controls.
I tried the demo of Amalur, and it was very glitchy. Sound cut out, dialogue skipped, and it locked up a half-hour in.
I really loved the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game.
Agreed. For Syndicate, it worked, because it very much fit the style/tone. Spidey, though? No. Very, very no.