Karl Ravech - Chris Fowler
Bill Simmons must be played by Ellen Degeneres
A great friend will call you every day. . . I'll get so wrapped up in my shit, I'll never remember that stuff.
You think there should be a law criminalizing writing an angry message on social media because your significant other cheated on you?
He could play the 3 or 4 on offense, defend some 2s and most 3s or 4s (2nd team all defense), averaged 16/8/6 in his best season, led the league in minutes 3 times, and was 6th man of the year. One dimensional players don't do all that. How many players today can score rebound pass and defend at that level from the 3…
Miko: This is like putting these players through 2 car crashes a week! They don't care about the players, they care about the money!
Given that he played for Alabama, I'm assuming this is another case of domestic violence.
Seriously? What a fucking piece of shit? Overreact much?
Well, speaking as a Panthers fan. He'll get the Bears to a Super Bowl within a few years. They'll lose because of his gutless, conservative play calling. After that he'll be a good enough coach to keep the team mediocre, where they will waste the rest of their days at 10-6 and getting awful mid-first round draft…
as a bears fan i was hoping this day wouldnt come. i had a feeling ever since he left denver hed end up here. and every chicago columnist/sportswriter/sports radio guy here is slurping him like we just hired lombardi. geesh.
NBA commissioner Adam Silver had the integrity to witness for himself the crime against sport that was the Knicks-B…
I've always liked the show but this season has really stepped it up to where it's a must see for me. Here's one of my favorites from early in the season:
I think guys hate dunham for the same reason we hate sarah Jessica Parker. Strait women and gay dudes won't stop telling us how beautiful and awesome they are. Well one looks like a horse and the other looks like a pedophile troll, and neither ever says anything interesting. If you like them great, but stop trying to…
Serious question: Outside of thoughts about the NBA, when has Simmons made you look at a topic in a different light?
I'm older than Dunham's target demographic. Even as a younger man I was never a particular "hip" guy. So with those caveats let me declare the hottest of hot takes: I just do not understand what is interesting about Lena Dunham.
I cannot even conceive of the greed necessary to attempt to steal everything your child has. And this goes a step further by stealing everything he has and a lot of stuff he doesn't have yet. Un-fucking-believable.
LeBron is like that kid in college who takes an intro to American Government class, watches a few Ron & Rand Paul speeches on youtube and thinks he's figured out how to clean up Washington, D.C. He really thought just because he was around the Heat's culture for a few years that he was going to be able to duplicate it…