If this guy is a role model for your son, you fucked up. Even excluding the drugs.
If this guy is a role model for your son, you fucked up. Even excluding the drugs.
I somewhat agree with you. He's discussed as one of the top young guards in the league—in the class of Curry, Lillard and Wall—when he clearly hasn't earned that. Of the top 50 players in the league, though, probably 25 are point guards right now, so he may be in the top 30 anyway.
He was on a team with absolutely zero talent around him before. So, when everyone saw him not hustling and whatnot, they thought it was just a product of him getting tired of always having to be the man.
Morality play?
"Hot take" has pretty much devolved into, "Opinion I disagree with," hasn't it?
Here's the dirty secret about Kyrie Irving - he isn't actually all that good. He's a solid scorer - slightly above average efficiency, but high volume - who provides exactly nothing else. He doesn't play defense. He can't orchestrate an offense.
I don't know though, because advanced basketball metrics are both less sophisticated/evolved as well as less descriptive of the overall game than advanced baseball metrics are. I think watching the games (Wolves Season Ticket Holder Here) proves that while the advanced stats are definitely changing the game for the…
The key is the 51% shooting. Sure, he's the main option, but unlike Kobe he's doing it efficiently
yeahhhh thats gonna turn into a fight with J.R., or at least locker room poison...very awesome Dan Gilbert and David Griffin are wasting the prime of IMO the greatest of all time with this horrible, completely foreseeable bullshit
Cool opinion. JR Smith isn't going to take bad shots that hurt his teams chance of winning?
JR Smith is to the Cavs what Josh Smith was to the Pistons.
So you're judging his performance on 1 loss? Not his 27 wins? Mariota has 4 times as many losses to his name, but is better?
He comes with less accuracy, less ability to read through progressions, higher chance of getting injured scrambling out of the pocket trying to get first downs and being hit by and NFL linebacker. But good football analysis on your part.
I was hoping they were gonna rock the modern old school style they wore against FSU.
There are numerous things that are odd about this choice, no school colors, OSU wears grey, so less contrast, similar color scheme they wore when they lost last time (for the superstitious), and don't understand why they are wearing white, as the higher seed, would think they had the choice of what to wear, and would…
It's his life, of course he'll protest. I mean think about it, some a-hole Hollywood writer is depicting a dramatic even about a crazed millionaire and two Olympic wrestlers and goes, "Oh me oh my, you know what would give this thing called 'subtext' I just read about in my Robert McKnee seminar - homoeroticism! Yay…
I think that what he means is that the movie shows a false dynamic between the brothers based on one being much better and much more successful in wrestling than the other. Mark is just saying that there was no dynamic along those lines because around that time both were extremely good AND successful in different…
This move will set them back 5-6 years. Kaep's career is in jeopardy because of this, too.