
I've had so many stouts that I love unreservedly that it would be silly to even try and name one or the other (*cough*Ten Fidy*cough*). What's interesting is that most people's experience with stouts is Guinness, which is absolutely a solid stout (and anybody who thinks otherwise is lying), but they think it is pretty

Samuel Smith's stouts are delicious and REALLY good introductions to the style. Love Victory Storm King, and I'll buy a 4-pack of Old Rasputin once a month. I feel like it's been said that Old Rasputin is overhyped, but it's pretty solid. And at like 8.50 a 4-pack, it's not too expensive. (Similarly: do NOT sleep on

+1 for this article. I really wish Stouts could have their day in the sun like IPA's have had the last few years. Sick of only seeing IPA's available on tap!

I disagree with the writer about saying "no" just because you can as a way to get your kids used to it. There are plenty of times you have to say no, for health and safety reasons. (No, cookies are not dinner. No, you can't run around the museum making airplane noises. No, you can't throw your truck at your sister.

That doesn't answer the question - what is the objective difference that makes something rational or not? What makes you more rational than Descartes, or vice versa?

That word - irrational. What is Rationality really? It has been used for centuries to mean so many things, it kind of doesn't have any meaning anymore. The first thing Descartes did to demonstrate his concept of Rationality was to rationally prove the existence of God. So I ask the question - what is the objective

But why is it such a huge deal that he disagrees with someone's lifestyle? That's my point. Who cares, we aren't robots, we all have our different beliefs and convictions. He didn't come across like a homophobe or a bigot to me.

you prove my point.

I don't see why disagreeing with someone's lifestyle is a big deal. I'm sure you don't agree with his Christian lifestyle, hows that any different?

actually if you watch the NBA, you'll note that this indeed was an actual "fight". This ain't hockey, and most of the time its just a bunch of acting tough while two players "hold you back".

Nothing is interesting! Everything has been done before! Why am I so miserable all the time?!

Uhhh.. There's this guy that plays in Memphis, for the Grizzlies. His name is Zach Randolph. If you think KG is scarier that THAT guy, you need to re-evaluate your scary-meter.

Garnett?! Nobody is scared of KG. It's why he picks on small Euro players. I know you're making a joke, but Garnett is not scary.

Depends, if you are over 240 pounds, KG is near the bottom.

Most unnecessary sequel? Really?

Yeah. It is audiences that suck now.

I honestly believe that Blade Runner is far better with the narration than without.

I liked it to an extent but it also makes me sad because there is so much potential there that gets squandered about an hour into the movie. It could have been iconic and classic and instead it's the butt of jokes.

I absolutely loved that movie even knowing the complaints against it. Cannot wait for it's sequel.

Wait, isn't this the same infographic that Gawker, Tumblr, et all love to point at and claim "false rape don't real"?