He got them from a 27" CRT television he found halfway down the block on his way to the library.
He got them from a 27" CRT television he found halfway down the block on his way to the library.
"I'm sorry you spent all that time typing an opinion no one gives a shit about."
I found it extremely funny, so he obviously succeeded as a comedian. If he is happy in life, and I assume being hired by Microsoft made him pretty happy, then as a person in pursuit of happiness I believe he succeeded there as well. But perhaps you and I have a different definition of success?
Because comedians should be held accountable for their jokes? You realize that he was joking right? It's a sad world where comedians need to shift their behavior to satiate you people.
Yeah that is what I was thinking. a simple distillation apparatus could be constructed using basic lab equipment and a thermometer. It is easy enough to find the difference in volatility between the two chemicals. But that defeats the purpose of this article. People are going to get sick/blind themselves because…
Hey, it's not my fault those people are the very definition of hypocritical. They can preach to others, but they can't choke down their own medicine.
Why doesn't this produce methanol like moonshine production does?
Exactly haha. And then they try and justify it by saying that it's ok because the particular group they think should be treated right isn't being treated right, and the group they don't like could stand to be treated a little worse. Definition of hypocrisy, intolerance, and ignorance.
It's just ironic how people who will claim to be tolerant of everyone will screech and piss on someone who dares think something different, no matter how polite about it they may have been.
Well if i wanted to I could say yes. I could say yes because the $5000 scholarship I got in California for being an Engineering major would've been $10,000 if I was a woman and not a man. I could say yes because when I applied to UCLA the point system that is used for admission gave 3 more points to anyone who was…
Okay, a comedian was making jokes about offensive things. What's the big deal, her feelings got hurt?
Guys. if your comment isn't along the lines of "Kill that bastard(the comedian)!!! He's going to hell!" Then don't even bother posting cause they'll kill you. They'll call you a sack of shit, all of the same "human decencies" they're appalled aren't shown all of the time they won't show to you. You make a point that…
Please, please, we need a woman on the stage... FOR ME TO POOP ON!
100% agreed. This doesn't just apply to financial matters - there are many things in society people frankly need to be shamed for. We make so many excuses for people ... hold so many hands ... use kid gloves with everyone. These people created their own situation. Period. I am sorry ... I just don't buy the "they…
And it's the psychos like this that make people think that everyone who owns a gun is crazy and/or bloodthirsty. Ugh.
I prefer Bare-metal -> OS -> app inside container with Docker. You just need a modern enough linux kernel, and it could run even in AWS or VMs. Is not for every kind of use, but is more performant (and have less overhead) than running full VMs to run basically individual apps.
The fuck is this?
I've got an APC UPS for my computer and an APC surge protector for the entertainment system. They're awesome and when they need to be replaced I'll be looking at Tripplite now. Thanks.