I’m all for these HOA nazis to enforce the HOA to the letter. It makes HOAs less viable.
I’m all for these HOA nazis to enforce the HOA to the letter. It makes HOAs less viable.
Some people never learn.
A mere accusation of rape has the ability to destroy an innocent persons life much more than an actual rape.
These are the best. Sadly, a lot of people don’t know how to use them, or that they even exist.
These are the best. Sadly, a lot of people don’t know how to use them, or that they even exist.
Shouldn’t that say “Police State”?
Cops: We know who you are. The fact that there haven’t been reprisals for your documented misdeeds only shows our restraint and respect for the law. Shape up because that restraint is fading. Fast.
Disagreement isn’t harassment, you stupid cunt.
LOL! Disagreeing with stupid cunts is not harassment.
LOL this article is beyond hilarious. Women are pathetic.
Meh, only manslaughter. He’ll be out in 18 months.
Sorry to hear about your handicap.
I hope Uber files counter suit and digs deep into their pockets for the legal defense, and offense.
The Leykis 101 move is to never go there, never ‘date’ a single mother, never spend more than $40 on a date, never get married, and don’t settle for used up undesirable women.
We used to call it “The Fattiefire” but the term cougar or desperate housewife wasn’t yet in circulation.
Those weren’t old biker dudes, they were the women.
There are no hard or fast rules. It basically means a 3rd tier or worse woman. Degrading characteristics are in no particular order: Weight, kids, looks, and age. A cougar is a woman who goes on the prowl because she isn’t the prey. Expect a dick and dump if you aren’t at least in the late 20's (or look it). Men…
Killin babies is no problem, but lying about who you are... those bastards!
You can’t one the lotto, it costs two.
Mary mother of god make it stop!
Do you really think that a biological scientist is going to be able to disregard all their years of biology to somehow accept a person in drag as anything else?