It’s easy to pass judgment from the sidelines, when you aren’t a women who exerted the considerable effort to pursue an education in the sciences. Fuck off cunt.
It’s easy to pass judgment from the sidelines, when you aren’t a women who exerted the considerable effort to pursue an education in the sciences. Fuck off cunt.
Those start with W
She raped herself, not Dave. She should have left. If Dave didn’t let her leave, then it would be Dave doing the raping.
It’s little brothers the ZL1 and 1LE would devastate a Hellcat as well.
The market is tumbling. Don’t invest now. Don’t invest until after the next presidential election.
Statists BTFO
I don’t get it. What does an honorary degree have to do with unproven allegations? Why not wait until he’s convicted?
Is there a better game than Craps? Nope.
This one is better: It has solar, and costs less:
This one is better: It has solar, and costs less:
Does the warranty get extended for the time it is in the shop?
Don’t forget art. Art is stupid.
So instead of using their mom’s credit card, they’ll use their grandma’s credit card.
The same John Bogle who said you won’t make much in stocks. And his 4% seems pretty ambitious these days.
News flash, the bond market is in shambles right now. The stock market is about to collapse. We are already in a recession. Makes me wonder why Kristin Wong is writing these articles now, when impending doom is upon us.
Implying women need abortions because they don’t have self control. How sexist of you.
LOL. My Oxford comma did not slip. And regardless of source, the assertion is true. So, what is your point other than to be upset?
Laugh all you want. Degenerate women, especially single mothers, are grossly, disproportionately responsible for violent criminals.
What a novel idea.