
But women created the mass shooters. Check and mate.

Red heads are good for a fling, but not suitable for marriage.

Women don’t want the government interfering with their choices. Gun owners don’t want the government interfering with theirs either.

While the information is useful, now is not the time to invest in either. In fact, now is the time to liquidate your assets.

That Ferrari is barfo brown

Haha. Feminism is worse than cancer.

About fucking time. Sigs and 1911s are retarded, heavy, complicated, and generally overrated. Glock is the only pistol I’d trust my life to.

Midget detected

something something extrajudicial something something

Is it ok to shoot rapists?

LOL Gay men be abstinent for a year? Good luck finding one that’s been abstinent for a day, let alone a week or a month.

Let’s play the counting game

A man would have to be a bluepill mangina to allow some cunt to move in with him.

Any VW product with the bad diesel engine.

Aparently, you aren’t ready to live either.

LOL. Fucking herbivore. If your waifu wasn’t a pillow she’d divorce you.

Video is literally whitewashed.

If you don’t like guns, move to Mexico where they are outlawed. I’m sure you will be safer there.