As a former landlord/rental property owner, this option is fraught with danger. There is a reason renters are renters: They lack the wherewithal to own their own property.
That’s why you don’t buy in a HOA. Believe it or not, it is possible.
Hot girls have moved up to BMW from VW Jettas. Why not, it’s all Daddy’s money.
I’d love to have a F Series Ranger.
Do the brave thing and don’t have kids. You wouldn’t want your kids to go through what you went through?
Fuck you cunts. Go away if you don’t want the attention. Be glad you get it, while you can.
Ugh. Another car for short people.
What a cunt. Getting your history from “The Sound of Music” is shit tier.
I only want V-12 Lambos.
Fuck this shit, I’m a redneck.
Try being 6’7”. Even 5’11” girls are short.