
Unmasking laws have been unchallenged for the past century, sweetums.

The First Amendment covers free speech not masked speech.

The First Amendment covers free speech not masked speech.

If youre fighting Nazis, why wear a mask?

Hey dipshit just don't wear a mask.

The change took place when Musk went after some journalists by name and floated this idea of a site where readers rank journalists. Journalists protect their own. 

Facebook sucks. It was okay when it was connecting people, but now that people are connected, it is just video/meme sharing nonsense most of which are clickbait ads to get more information out of everyone. Fuck Facebook (and the people who use it including my dumb friends).

Hmmm, don’t want to be separated from your children when entering our country illegally, here’s an idea: Don’t invade our country!

Yeah, I loved Black Panther but I REALLY loved Infinity War.

Black Panther was... Okay. It wasn’t like an amazing movie. I feel most of it’s standing is entirely for the racial issues that it addressed. But even with that, in the end it was about black people fighting black people. So I don’t really get how that was helpful. Also, Wakanda was super selfish. They could fix the

Black Panther was a hype-fest. I get; “hooray for what is represents.” But a good movie? It wasn’t a good movie just like Wonder Woman objectively wasn’t.

Right. And black people are just plain lazy. 

Hamilton, why don’t you sneak into Mexico without your passport and see what kind of red carpet they roll out for you.

If you can’t see you are being played by those in power on the left who pretend to be upset by those in power on the right (and vice versa), then this country is in worse shape than one could imagine. The answer is not throwing away being civil with each other, that just galvanizes those on each side to not find any

Congratulations. kettle.

This is what it looks like when the pendulum swings back towards the center on it’s way to the right.
But by all means...keep up your 2 year temper tantrum because...that always helps your cause. 

LOL! Keep it up bud. You’re crazy rants only fuel the Right. When your side acts stupid, you only ensure that the other side will win the next 10 elections.

Yikes, time for me to check out when people start advocating for domestic bombings. bye

If only there was a way to change people in government to another person who supports our goals and policies! What can we do??

Of course, how many of those domestic bombings that you speak troublingly starry-eyed of actually hurt/killed ONLY those they were “aimed” at or decreased their power in any way?

Except all the peer reviewed articles?