
We get it, You hate The President. Go to your safe place and cry.

He should have titled it “Y’all are probably going to fire me for this, but...”

You, like most people, have at least the rudimentary political skills necessary to know not to write a memo like that. Obviously he didn’t.

Does the author’s (in the link) degree in Journalism and Poli-Sci somehow give herself authority and expertise in these scientific fields?

Correct, and some experts way in here

Seriously, people who talk about that letter should (1) read it, and (2) not make assumptions about what the author’s intentions were beyond what’s in the letter itself. Personally I read it as a good faith effort to move the conversation forward.

except your “proof” is psuedoscientific bullshit.

But he said something that was unpopular and it offended women, that’s all it takes in this society. Women talk about equality, they’re full of shit, they don’t want equality, they want superiority status while still being taken care of and essentially just not have to worry about anything.

I don’t agree with his views but as moronic as they are, I will defend his right to express them. Just as I’ll defend your right as a white, female with an obvious bone to pick with every male, to express your views. You are perpetuating the very thing you claim to despise. Abject feminism could be argued to be just

I am pretty sure you have not read his original memo or the studies - however contested - he referenced. He absolutely did NOT say women were inferior to men. In fact, the great majority of his paper dealt with how to get more women interested in tech in the first place.

The man thinks women are inferior to men as engineers.

“Guys” for plural entities has been gender neutral since at least the 90s. Let’s find a real problem to solve.

I identify as a tuna fish sandwich. The use of “folks” is offensive to me. Please use acceptable words, like “items” or “entities.”

So is this all overthinking things?


People in power need us pissed at something as a group so they can “fight” for us, even if it’s manufactured problems.

“I havea tooth that needs to be pulled. Maybe I should clean it and get it pulled at the same time”

So if you’re exciting on the left you can see if there is a car behind you. Seems pretty obvious.

hey, that’s a fantastic point.

...why does it have side mirrors? So you can see the impending fuck-up and not be able to do anything about it?