
Let me get this straight. The horrible President is setting a trap for the Democrats by working with them on good legislation?

Shut the fuck up, you longwinded blowhard. You are wrong. Mirkinson is right.

Splinter is the Fox News of progressivism, you have to remember. The connection to reality around here is tenuous at best. 

Appropriate reply from appropriately skilled diarist creator.

Fuck Stripe, they’re no better than PayPal. Every single founder and employee of that company has watched porn, no question. But they’re going to play the moral hypocrite for what? To try an look good for other moral hypocrites?

It’s almost like Libs believe everything they are told, as if the government never lies to them, the MSM tells them to believe a woman and they bow down and take the commands. They are brainwashed into believing that there is absolutely no way a woman would lie about such events, there is no way this whole thing could

Yes please watch

Everyone who has been following this case could sign an affidavit stating we know just as much as the four people she has affidavits from. Your reporting is disingenuous, there are no affidavits from people who were there. She has affidavits from four people stating she told them of the incident recently. Words mean

His parody note is no more ridiculous than the letter that this woman conveniently writes now. Even had something occured, there is this little thing known as a statute of limitations. The wastes of human flesh that are Feinstein, Booker and Harris should be ridiculed at every opportunity. 

They should just quit the EU or something.

Oi! U got a loicense to report on this news story M8?!

Hopefully your Chinese style censorship that you support doesn’t come back to bite you in the future. I am sure your authoritarian leftist government protected by tech companies will never become tyrannical. 

WTF you talking about? Twitter bans users who talk about Black people the way Black people talk about White people. They are suppressing speech so much that government regulation is going to be necessary and welcome in the near future

I think you need to get over the word you think it means cause it does not mean what you think it means.

“DPRK stands for Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It’s a democratic republic for the people. It’s right there in the name.”

This. I’m amused by this concept we’ve developed recently that we can force a company to pay more (either in wages or taxes) and that they won’t immediately turn around and pass that onto the consumer or begin automating/downsizing portions of their operations. (How many touch-screen self-order stands do you see at

This all sounds great, but my inner cynic can’t help but predict that they’re going to see a reduction in shifts, see a lot of layoffs, and in the end, prices for everything from admission to food are going to spike.

You’re a tool.

Why report?

So far there is zero evidence this has anything to do with Trump and the travesty here is that incessant linking of the Mueller witch hunt targets with Trump.