
This is the best idea in the history of the world.

Somebody answer damnit, can I convince my boss that we need an XBOX in the office?

Be warned! HDMI refresh rate is 30HZ! Need displayport to handle 60HZ per the product comments.

To save people some time:

I like how this guy's map of "North America" doesn't include the southern half of Mexico and about 2/3 of Canada.

As a fellow 26 year old I hope you are right.

The lows and middle are their, but feel a little flaccid.

Did you read the paper?

Walmart Canada currently ships free with no minimum order

Alternate title was : "Australian photographer doesn't know how exposure compensation works, resulting photos look like an alien planet."

Naturally, safe helium. What part of that are you not getting? The core concept?

Such a nice place to hide for a zombie apocalypse.

Only the ones gently plucked from the noses of virgins are, like honey dipped golden raisins.

When I was a kid, my dad used to pick his nose and wipe it on the side of our car's driver seat. Why did he do it? Well, I asked him. His words (in his broken English): "Because you the one who's clean it up, dummy! I pay the car. I drive you kids. You gotta make it cleaning. No bother me with this shit."

Ah, so Canada wants to be North Korea...

data caps arent really necessary. its just providers nickel and diming people for whatever they can think they can charge you for. they say its because it causes stress on their network infrastructure if too many people are taking up too much data at once which is a lie. there have been several anonymous whistle

Electricity != electrons.

I'm surprised Forza 5 isn't on this list. Would it be possible for a Kotaku staffer to offer the reasoning that prevented this? I say this as someone who fell in love with racing games because of Forza 3 and 4, and count Forza Horizon amongst my favorites.