
Wrong. That's a picture of Will Smith. Way to be racist and keep calling out random black actors. Hah fucking hah, "they all look alike". This is Eddie Murphy:

Nelson Mandela wasn't snakes on a plane. You're thinking of Samuel Jackson. Here let me show you.

How do you know we won't be able to transfer consciousness? It may be possible to run two copies of yourself simultaneously until the body dies.

Cream Plosions #1 had it's moments but 2 is clearly a quick cash grab. Nothing but setup for the third. Not everything has to be trilogy Valley!

F150 King Ranch

If my fish tank is any indication, a day.

Can you please install this into the whole car? No more car washes. YIPPPEE!

Are we really kidding ourselves here? Apple didn't pull people into the smart phone market, it was existing and growing. People simply diverged on iPhones because they were at first suppose to be hard to get, fringe, trendy, and from an "outside" company known to put quality first.

People got iPhones not because they

Fair enough, I am 6' 1" and wouldn't ever date a girl with less than DD's.

hahaha :) epic

The correct term is oil sands - if you're going to attack something at least get the terminology straight. Below is a picture of reclaimed oil sands land from a previous Syncrude mine - still look to good to be true?

Not only is it responsive, it's a not a dummy keyboard like the 360's SmartGlass keyboard. It's a full text input simulation, meaning you can go back and select a word and pick a new auto-complete entry from the list, or retype sections in the middle.

Oculus Rift. I want this for racing games so bad.

I figured it that was what you were doing. But I hate the premise that the anti-energy crowd has. Either we are going to run out, or it is going to destroy the planet, or whatever they can think of that will get traction with the sheeple of the world.

We are not going to run out of oil. They just discovered more oil than the entire Middle East has in Texas. We just haven't looked everywhere yet.

The game is fun as hell on my 360.

You lie... Must see this!

A lot of that was not right! Assuming no slack in the system, the torque at the last gear is the torque of the motor * 50^12. You are right about the possibility that the force on the concrete is zero, but for the wrong reason. You should know that you can apply force without experiencing acceleration. The force

@vlnnythestlck I think you're mistaken here mate. F=ma doesn't really apply to this scenario.

Look I can play this game too, Apple just has a more torrid past in this area: