
You are correct about the first statement. But horribly incorrect on the second. Nazi Germany was legally elected into office. Do you honestly think the majority of people who voted for them supported the extermination and enslavement of all people on earth? No, that select view point is “a function of a small group

I mean it can’t be hard to beat the casualty rate of mobility with horses.

Bull fucking shit. Communists rounded up the elite classes (i.e. small business owners, farmers who own land etc) and massacred them. Anyone who stands up to a communist regime, not only gets killed, but their entire family line wiped out as well.

Found the commie!

Going by the OP logic, if you don’t alienate and deplatform communists, you are a communist.

Looks at death toll of communism vs national socialism...

You tolerate communists. You are a commie.

I mean it could be worse. You could be a communist sympathizer.

Unless of course you have something like an LG V30 which pushes quite a bit more power than a conventional phone.

Unless of course you have something like an LG V30 which pushes quite a bit more power than a conventional phone.

Would you be willing to take a pay cut down to poverty levels if it meant reducing the wage gap?

I’m pretty sure these comics get drawn by a Russian Clinton troll farm meant to further divide the country.

This seems strangely familiar to the age old argument that the reason why socialism doesn’t work is because we haven’t seen “true” socialism yet.

Late to this game but...

So does that mean more government means less corruption? Should I just hand my entire paycheck over to the government and let them sort everything out?

So what you’re saying is... The best case against Trump isn’t Russian influence but looking for objection to investigation? Lololol

Why don’t you push/encourage Dreamers to apply for regular citizenship rather than shoeing them under the carpet?

From what I hear. It is the 6xx but with a cheap ass driver. Not really a deal. There are better headphones for the price.

From what I hear. It is the 6xx but with a cheap ass driver. Not really a deal. There are better headphones for the

If Trump, Bernie, and Clinton all had a physical test. Who would win? I’m guessing Trump lol.

So if they minimized their profit margin so their pay was comparable to yours... wouldn’t the net benefit for society be better?

Good points. Another thing that people ignore/don’t realize is that the wealth of these individuals isn’t just sitting in a big scrooge mcduck vault... although this may be few for a couple eccentrics... the money is actively being invested in companies or even by banks to provide very low interest loans.