
At a certain point of wealth you sit back and realize... it isn’t money that is the ultimate commodity. It is time, and what you do with it. Nobody on their deathbed will look back and think, if only I had put more hours in.

That is my concern, I don’t actually know of any consequences to having a wealth gap... unless there is proof that if it were minimized the masses would benefit.

Honest question. But how many people here think that the existence of billionaires has a negative impact on your personal wealth?

Lol amazon has warehouses with no employees.

What? No other options? Then why are immigrants flooding into the country?

I agree with this. If she was the sole content provider for said list, I could see value in exposing them in order to bring validity to the list (not saying that they should in that case, only that there would be some value in doing it).

Wait, are you arguing about worker protections or corporate power creep over their clients through lobbying groups?

Wait, so protections are up, but you think these protections don’t give people power over the companies they work for simply because companies are bigger?

Totally a common right wing opinion.

I think you don’t understand the intention of my previous comment. I intentionally said something he would view as wrong that is equally supported by the logic fallacy he used.

I’m sorry that is a correlation vs causation fallacy. One could with equal support say that the reason why the standard of living is eroding is due to the ever increasing size of the government. You see government getting bigger, and people getting poorer. Hmm... that must be related right?

UFCW Local 401

Not at all. I think labor unions have done tremendous good. Most of that good just happens to be focused back to the time where the government completely lacked worker protection regulations. This day and age however, you just have to look at the complacency unions generate and the disgusting greed and hypocrisy their

Worker dues are stealing from the workers. I worked for a union. Only a small percentage of the people in that union benefited from those dues as they were deemed to be “full time”. I had no benefits and made minimum wage minus dues.

There is a different between being anti union, and pushing to criminalize it though. It’s like being anti crime, and pushing to execute all criminals. Your argument lacks nuance.

Why did you change your comment away from unions?

I would never push for legislation that would infringe on a workers right to participate in a union.

Are you a communist?

Employment is a contract. If you don’t like the terms and conditions, go find terms and conditions you like. If you can’t do that, lower your standards.

Trump’s approval rating is only like 2 or 3 percent off of Obama’s approval rating this far into his presidency. And that is with a continuous barrage of hate from half the country and most of mainstream media.